
When did your LO start sleeping through the night?

If ever? Curious because my LO is 8 months now and still waking up 2 times a night. I know that’s not that much but I am so longing for a night where I can sleep THROUGH. Even now, I’d have to pump in the middle of the night if my husband took the entire night shift because my body is used to feeding her! I also currently pump in the MOTN to have enough milk for daycare, so I do have to be awake either way. When did your LO’s drop night feeds and start sleeping through??ETA: it is so nice to read all these responses! All of my friends have babies who are younger or the same age and sleep through the night. I thought maybe I was doing something wrong, it’s nice to know it’s very normal and (as always) every baby is different! via /r/breastfeeding

Categories: funny, photos