
What are some things that got easier/better as your child got older?

So, one thing that always bothered me since getting pregnant is how much people LOVE to let you know how hard being a parent is. A lot of people are well-meaning, perhaps wanting to prepare you or share their struggles and create bonds, whatever. Maybe this is helpful for some, but for me the “just you wait”ers really fill me with anxiety about the future. Going through a hard time with your newborn? Well, you shouldn’t, because this is the “easy bit”. Wait until they start crawling and getting into everything, that’s so much harder! (Etc etc) I would love to hear about some positive things that I can really look forward to as a parent, instead of wondering how I’m going to manage all the hard stuff. My little boy is only 4 months old, but for anyone with a newborn I can say that so many things got better for us! He stopped crying all the time after 10 weeks. He started laughing LOADS at about 11 weeks. The colic and the reflux disappeared as his digestive system matured. Taking him out in public is actually fun now that we can look at things together. Sleep is still broken but now he knows the difference between night and day we get loads more sleep. Anyone else?? 🙂 via /r/NewParents

Categories: funny, photos