Tounge tie lasered, a world of difference, my sad tale. (Long post)

Why is the information not out there? Why are hospital IBCLCs not trained to evaluate all oral ties, not just severe ones? Why did my daughter have to suffer for so long? I had to seek out the information myself. My daughter latched beautifully in the hospital, however, I knew she had a shallow latch because I could feel the difference from my son, who was a professional breastfeeder! It didn’t hurt, but it wasn’t strong suction. I have a history of oversupply and with the second pregnancy, it’s a lot. This actually had nothing to do with our latching, and if I was not an experienced breastfeeder, I would’ve been told to decrease my supply and I would have listened. Something happened at our two month mark where she would vomit after every feed. I identified this as reflux, confirmed by the pediatrician. We decided to see how she did for the next two months with positional changes in nursing and pumped milk. It had nothing to do with my OS because it was after bottle or breast. I also knew it had nothing to do with my diet because all of her poops and pees were completely normal. Except after 2 months she started to poop only every 4-5 days. Then shortly after that, she would begin to fuss when eating, and would not be comforted by the breast or the bottle. This was disheartening. Feeding soon became a terrible time of thrashing and crying for her. My relationship with her began to suffer, and I felt that our bond was not a strong. She seemed miserable all the time, especially when on her back.Her weight, which I noticed, dropped from the 78th%(birth) to the 48th% (2 month) to the 20th% (3.9 month.) My pediatrician had identified the tounge tie early on, but said it was mild and said that sometimes treatment can make a latch worse. PSA this is not true! This is only true if you are using blades/scissors to remove a tongue tie! Not lasers! Sadly, he was the only one who had noticed, as two hospital IBCLCs said she’s fine. Even though I had specifically requested them to check for oral ties! Luckily, at our 4 month, my pediatrician listened to me and prescribed us famotidine to combat the reflux. Following week, (exactly 4 months old) after more research, I also took her to the number one place in my state for tongue ties. It was a painless procedure for her! She nursed immediately after. Didn’t even cry! But it was expensive af (ENT with scissors is covered by insurance, but elective with a specialized pediatric dentist to use a CO2 laser. )It’s been one week and it has been night and day! She stopped thrashing when she eats, she’s pooping every day to every other day now and most importantly, she has stopped vomiting, and gaining weight faster! She seems so much happier and I am too. I will also be following up with a pediatric gastroenterologist and the dentist to confirm that we are on the right track.This animation is helpful to understand ties. via /r/breastfeeding