Things that surprise me at 2 weeks postpartum
Hi all, Im a FTM who graduated 2 weeks ago (unplanned c-section) and am so grateful for all the support I got through this subreddit during my pregnancy. I always appreciated reading graduation and new parenthood posts, and I thought I would share some parts of new parenthood that have surprised me. I know there will be new and unexpected challenges ahead, and I don’t mean to speak too soon, but in general things have been easier than i thought they would be. For example:-I have been sleeping about 7 hours a night (with interruptions) and the quality of my sleep is WAY better than while pregnant.-I have a lot of energy; I was able to walk 2 miles yesterday, which I hadn’t done since second trimester.-my husband and I have been caretaking by ourselves and it’s been very doable. Friends and family have stopped by briefly with food, but there hasn’t been a time I really wished we had an extra pair of hands.-we did triple-feeding for 5 days to get baby’s birthweight up, and that was really tough, but it was still less tiring than being pregnant and now just regular breastfeeding feels easy in comparison.-my nipples got chewed up and scabbed pretty badly the first week, but now are healed. Nipple balm and silverettes were life-savers in the first days but I’ve stopped using them for now.-along similar lines, the learning curve for breastfeeding is steep but went quickly for us, especially thanks to our lactation consultant. Baby and I got lots of practice and learned so much so fast.-I find myself missing my baby when she’s asleep and waiting for her to wake up so we can hang out again.-c-section recovery has been pretty easy. My incision healed up really fast and I havent had pain since I was discharged from the hospital 2 days pp.-we’ve been able to keep our house clean and figure out new systems as we go for laundry, storage, etc – not all our plans made sense once baby was here but we’ve adapted-I am wildly happy even when I’m tired or frustrated. I have generalized anxiety (treated with lexapro) and I haven’t had PPA or PPD symptoms yet. I feel very peaceful with baby. I will remain vigilant about how I’m feeling but my lack of anxiety so far has been a very welcome development.There have of course been hard moments, especially with the triple-feeding, but also so many things to celebrate like the above. I don’t mean to rub in how positive these last two weeks have been, as I know many people have a very different experience, but I hope by sharing I can give some hope to other ftms fearing the worst for their quality of life postpartum. Good luck to you all!! via /r/pregnant