The audiobook I’m currently listening to, Lord of the Rings, is absolutely incredible and completely changed my thoughts about audiobooks – it contains the OST in it, voices that are either the original actors or very close replicas, and sounds from the movies. Please share your own!

Here is the one I’m referring to! It’s absolutely incredible! (EDIT: Removed link per mod request)Songs are actually sang, the music adjusts to what’s happening in the story – hooves clacking, black riders screaming, sounds of water and splashes when they’re ferrying across the river, fireworks from Gandalf (including the dragon), humming and singing through the songs rather than just a voice reading the verses – it’s a complete experience! The perfect combination of movie and book.Share your own similar books, so we can experience those as well!One Final EDIT (I hope): It has come to my attention that this was actually fan-made without permission from the Tolkein estate – making it piracy. Though it is extremely sad to me that such a beautifully-made piece of work cannot be shared, all in all, piracy bad. I apologize to everyone, including the mods, for sharing a pirated piece of work. via /r/books
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