
Thank you kind stranger

I snagged this text off of someone’s comment a few months ago, knowing I was going to need something polite and pre-written in the future. It has come in very handy for me now that I am overdue and the daily “I’m just checking in,” texts will not stop.I know they’re well-meaning, but gosh darn it do they aggravate me! My friends at least seem to be able to hold off for a few days at a time but my mom can’t and I can’t handle the daily communication with her. We just don’t have that kind of relationship, so this message worked pretty well with her.So in case anyone else needs something to copy and paste so they don’t snap at their loved ones, here you go:”I am doing well, just feeling like I need some space. We might be a little less responsive for the foreseeable future. We would like to take some time together to relax and recharge before this big change occurs. We promise we will reach out and let you know if we need support or if we have any concerns but if you don’t hear from us for a while, please do not worry.” via /r/pregnant

Categories: funny, photos