
Success! I have been converting boomers to understand the plight of homeownership with this chart.

This chart in particular is helping me explain why young people are leaving Canada or are angry about the situation. honestly think that boomers don’t see this chart.Perhaps another GoFundMe campaign should be used for Facebook ads that target people 50+. Because you can target this demographic this way.Once I show boomers this chart, they start to understand completely or at the very least are thinking about it more.Here are some of the things I have been saying.- Buying in the 80s and 90s was a once in a lifetime opportunity- House prices were BELOW incomes- For my entire adult life, I have never had as good of a deal as you guys had it in the 80s.- If you were young today, I don’t think you would live in Canada.The other thing you can do is find out what they paid for their house and in what year. Then you can extrapolate that they probably couldn’t afford the house they bought.I also iterate that if they were young today, would they live in a shoebox condo and try and raise a family.Anyway, I’ve converted a few boomers to understand the plight of young people. Please try it.RE: Facebook adsThe billboards are a huge success, Facebook ads could also be successful. I guarantee that boomers don’t see content like this. If you are going to do this, a Facebook group called – Canadian housing success, or Housing Canada might work. If they see Canadian Housing Crisis, they won’t want to click.Good luck. via /r/canadahousing

Categories: funny, photos