mooo via /r/ontario via /r/woodworking via /r/CanadaPolitics

It rained in Northern California last night for the first time in what feels like the entire year, so everyone is talking about loving the smell of rain right now. via /r/askscience

Wikipedia states, “The human nose is extremely sensitive to geosimin [the compound that we associate with the smell of rain], and is able to detect it at concentrations as low as 400 parts per trillion.” How does that compare to other scents?

It rained in Northern California last night for the first time in what feels like the entire year, so everyone is talking about loving the smell of rain right now. via /r/askscience

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A lot of young Canadian professionals in tech and health healthcare are moving to the states cause wages are too low in ontario compared to the cost of living.In the united states you can make double the wage of someone in Ontario in tech or healthcare. In additional, housing (depending on the state) is cheaper.My friends and I are in the process and moving out of Canada to the united states for higher wage jobs and better housing. We have noticed a huge wave of young Canadian professionals are moving as well.One recruiter told me she transferred 40 doctors and 60 software developers out of Canada to work higher wage jobs in the United States.This will be an issue for the Canadian government as they will lose a lot of tax revenue and they deserve it as well. The governments has had terrible zoning policies for housing and a lack attention towards young Canadians.The boomer generation will need young Canadians to foot the bill for their OAS and GIS and right now they are leaving for better opportunities outside of Canada.Have you noticed this Trend as well and am I missing anything on this trend I have noticed? via /r/PersonalFinanceCanada via /r/OldSchoolCool via /r/programming via /r/interestingasfuck via /r/news via /r/CrappyDesign via /r/UpliftingNews

When I was first learning, I mostly focused in projects. And that was great but I always felt like my JS skills were weak. Even my current job, I had a leetcode test and failed miserably. It was a miracle I got the job. I started doing leetcoded the past week and I feel like such a better programmer. Even though right now I’ve only done like 15 of the easy mode ones, I still have much more confidence than before. Wish I’d have started sooner tbh via /r/webdev

Leetcode is really helping my confidence as a junior!

When I was first learning, I mostly focused in projects. And that was great but I always felt like my JS skills were weak. Even my current job, I had a leetcode test and failed miserably. It was a miracle I got the job. I started doing leetcoded the past week and I feel like

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When I was first learning, I mostly focused in projects. And that was great but I always felt like my JS skills were weak. Even my current job, I had a leetcode test and failed miserably. It was a miracle I got the job. I started doing leetcoded the past week and I feel like such a better programmer. Even though right now I’ve only done like 15 of the easy mode ones, I still have much more confidence than before. Wish I’d have started sooner tbh via /r/webdev

Leetcode is really helping my confidence as a junior!

When I was first learning, I mostly focused in projects. And that was great but I always felt like my JS skills were weak. Even my current job, I had a leetcode test and failed miserably. It was a miracle I got the job. I started doing leetcoded the past week and I feel like

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Pardon me for this upcoming rant. I’m sitting in a hospital emergency waiting room and browsing reddit. My SO and I have always strived to make a good living for ourselves and I think i finally realized that we’ve been putting our health – physical and mental- on the back burner. I think she’s burnt out and the doctors are trying to figure out what’s going on. Scary sight.I’ve been a long time reader of this subreddit and have found some very useful tips here. Recently, there are 10 posts a day about housing being unaffordable, grocery prices going up, should I buy this car, should I invest in this stock and I can get paid 11x more in the US etc.To each their own, of couse. However, if I have one message for all of you- please focus on your health.Money isn’t everything. Pay attention to your body. If you’re in pain, see a doctor. If you’re overworked, ask for a break. Don’t neglect your own well being for money. It is not worth it.Peace, love and health to everyone on PFC. via /r/PersonalFinanceCanada

Life is not all about money

Pardon me for this upcoming rant. I’m sitting in a hospital emergency waiting room and browsing reddit. My SO and I have always strived to make a good living for ourselves and I think i finally realized that we’ve been putting our health – physical and mental- on the back burner. I think she’s burnt

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No text found via /r/quotes via /r/webdev

The Distributions of household economic accounts provide important insight into the trends in household economic well-being and income inequality in Canada. Here are a few highlights from today’s release:Despite the uncertainty and volatility of the COVID-19 pandemic, Canadian households in the lowest (+19.6%) and second (+23.6%) wealth quintiles increased their share of net worth at a faster pace than wealthier households in 2020.Lower and middle income earners had the largest annual increases in their disposable income, shrinking the gap between the highest and lowest income earners to the lowest level recorded since 1999.[We are Canada’s national statistical agency. We are here to engage with Canadians and provide them with high-quality statistical information that matters! Publishing in a subreddit does not imply we endorse the content posted by other redditors.]***Les Comptes économiques répartis pour le secteur des ménages offrent des renseignements importants sur les tendances en matière de bien-être économique et d’inégalité des revenus des ménages au Canada. Voici quelques faits saillants de notre diffusion d’aujourd’hui :En 2020, malgré l’incertitude et l’instabilité associées à la pandémie de COVID-19, les ménages canadiens du quintile de patrimoine inférieur (+19,6 %) et du deuxième quintile de patrimoine (+23,6 %) ont augmenté leur part de valeur nette à un rythme plus rapide que celui des ménages plus fortunés.Les personnes gagnant un revenu faible et moyen ont connu les plus fortes augmentations annuelles de leur revenu disponible, ce qui a fait diminuer l’écart entre les personnes gagnant le revenu le plus élevé et celles gagnant le revenu le plus faible pour atteindre son niveau le plus bas jamais enregistré depuis 1999. [Nous sommes l’organisme national de statistique du Canada. Nous sommes ici pour discuter avec les Canadiens et les Canadiennes et leur fournir des renseignements statistiques de grande qualité qui comptent! Le fait de publier dans un sous-reddit ne signifie pas que nous approuvons le contenu affiché par d’autres utilisateurs de Reddit.] via /r/PersonalFinanceCanada

On average, all Canadian households recorded higher disposable income in 2020 than in 2019 / Les ménages canadiens ont affiché un revenu disponible plus élevé en 2020 qu’en 2019

The Distributions of household economic accounts provide important insight into the trends in household economic well-being and income inequality in Canada. Here are a few highlights from today’s release:Despite the uncertainty and volatility of the COVID-19 pandemic, Canadian households in the lowest (+19.6%) and second (+23.6%) wealth quintiles increased their share of net worth at

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Part 1. Mysterious calls from CRA.I want to share a story about how our government blew all fraud control procedures with Covid money distribution and how potentially millions of dollars of Covid relief money are stolen from us by crooks – using flawed systems, lack of controls, and, honestly, nobody giving a f…k about our tax money.I have proofs for all the claims made in this story.If you work for the press and want to run this story, please contact me directly through reddit, providing your name and callback number matching public phone of your organization, I will call you back and I will work with you + provide all documents.Likewise, If you are from RCMP, SCIS or any independent agency at GC that wants to investigate, I will be glad to provide all details including ones not stated here.I will not talk to Industry Canada (ISED) or CRA on this matter, as these two agencies have vested interest in covering up their incompetency. In my eyes, they discredited themselves by allowing this scam to happen (and to continue to this day !!!!) whereas catching it would take 30 seconds spent to execute one SQL query in their databases.In the last part, I will even tell what that query should be.I withheld a lot of info because I do not know how big and powerful the ring that runs this scheme is, and I want to protect my privacy. This criminal organization might have accomplices inside Industry Canada or CRA. Honestly, I cannot imagine how they can pull if off otherwise.This is the issue of national importance, so I appreciate if you “like” and share this post.If you are skilled in web scraping / data mining and want to do the job of identifying the crooks, or at least, estimating the magnitude of this scheme, I will have some ideas in the last part.If you have questions about how the scam works, and why it was not stopped in 1+ year since Covid handouts started, I will provide my thoughts as well. Be patient and read on.The story starts in year 2016 when I decided to experiment with selling stuff on Amazon.I went to Kanton fair in China to find a supplier, then got me a business partner, and we registered new federal Canadian corporation for this project. In case you are interested – we were selling hydroponics equipment, trying to capitalize on the trend of growing plants at home. The sales were ok… ish, but nothing to be super excited about. At the same time, due to other circumstances, the stress in my life went up, and both me and my partner lost interest in this project. We did not come back to it since. Neither did we file any corporate returns, assuming that corporation will be closed automatically after a while.4 years have passed since. In the middle of the summer of 2021, I started receiving calls from CRA. In total, I received 5 calls from different people that wanted to talk to me about some returns submitted by that abandoned corporation. The conversation always went like this:Me: Please let me know what is going on because that corporation is not really activeCRA: Provide your address for security purposesMe: [ providing my home address at which the corporation was registered ]CRA: The address does not match our the recordsMe: wha… ????Admittedly, I was somewhat slow to catch on what was really going on, but from hints dropped by CRA employees during those 5 calls, I was able to figure out that someone has changed the address and directors for our corporation. I immediately contacted my former business partner and asked him whether he did that. He was just as surprised, but less ignorant about how easy it is to get info on any corporation in Canada. He sent me the link to the public record showing that the address and list of directors has been changed.According to that public record, me and my partner were removed from list of directors, and the guy named Naveen was the director now. Address was different, too. Our corporation was hijacked.I know that attention spans are short nowadays, so I will end this part here, but give you the preview of remaining partsPart 2. Naveen and Akash come to the scene. I google them up, and find out that my corporation was only one amongst many highjacked. I am starting to figure out how the scam likely worksPart 3. I call CRA and tell them about the scam. At the same time, trying to estimate how much money one can steal from the government’s COVID handouts using this scheme. (Spoiler: a lot, garage full of Lambos kind of money)Part 4. My suspicions are confirmed in the most unusual way. Government of Canada mails to the crooks a juicy check for “Canada Emergency Rent Subsidy” 30 days after I told CRA about the scam. By some luck or accident, they send it to my home address. It seems that they rolled back address change in their databases after my call, but in 30 days failed to stop the payments to the crooks. Bingo! I got the proof that the scam exists and works exactly as I suspected.I have that cheque sitting on my table as I write this, and I still cannot believe my eyes.Part 5. What can we do and who is to blame.Obviously our government cannot / will not do anything about it. But there must be a way to get stats on magnitude of this scam using public databases.Please like and share ! This stuff is important to all Canadians. I will be dropping parts 2 to 5 at the rate of approx. 1 per day, as I am still completing them.P.S. I first posted this story on r/canada thread with 1m+ subscribers, but moderators shit their pants and removed my post. via /r/PersonalFinanceCanada via /r/Unexpected via /r/houseplants via /r/aww via /r/pics via /r/interestingasfuck via /r/OldSchoolCool via /r/aww via /r/CrappyDesign via /r/funny via /r/OldSchoolCool via /r/space via /r/worldnews via /r/oddlysatisfying via /r/OldSchoolCool via /r/OldSchoolCool via /r/interestingasfuck applies to non local residents. For apple to apple, It is like you live in Toronto and you cannot buy any property in Halifax unless you physically work in Halifax and pay local taxes in Halifax for more than 5 years, but after 5 years still only one Halifax property allowed to buy and no chance to be a rental landlord in Halifax lifetime if you are migrant to Halifax such as Toronto’s boomer retiring in Halifax because you basically already allowed to have two properties in T.O. your hometown so you come to Halifax you only can rent no buying unless you are rehired in Halifax and continue to work for another 5 years to become eligible to buy locally in Halifax and for live in only, no renting out allowed. This way allows young local Halifax worker also first-time buyers to avoid the disvantagous competition from T.O.’s retired boomer buyers who migrate to Halifax and never lived/worked in there before but with million dollar cash after sold his/her hometown’s property.I mean in China the law (new game rules) really give local taxpayers a better and fairer treatment in terms of local residential property buying or renting out as local landlords. Because locals have worked for years and/or for generations and contributed to tax bases for building all local Infrastructures/public services such as Hospitals, roads, transits, schools, libraries, policing, firefighting, water/waste treatments, seniors caretakings, etc. This sounds very logical and reasonable.They only take minimum 5 years of local work and income tax paying as local residential property entering criteria no matter you are foreigner, P.R. or Chinese citizens who live in other regions, no nationality/racial discrimination at all. Simple like that. Work 5 Years – Pay Income Taxes – Own RE – Maximum Two. No fuking around game playing the system.If you think about the rationale behind China’s big cities this new game rule change in RE, from policy point of view, they really want local city’s young working class people, who are priced out but already started career more than 5 years and earn good staple incomes, being able to own property for them to live-in having family and contribute taxes because they are the real backbones for the local economy not only for now but also for the future. Same as Canada, China’s population are aging fast and birth rate is low now. They have to keep the young skilled workers/professinals stay, have children (increase birth rate) and not run away, seriously. Good forward Policy thinking. You lose the young you lose the future.And in Canada we try to solve the low birth rate aging population issues by increasing immigrant volumes, however at this level of housing affordablilty, tight supplies, high cost of livings and less good paid job opportunity, the best bet is you most likely get people who are already wealthy back home and not quite young but only willing to come here because they can harbor wealth, enjoy free healthcare system and get best investment returns for their own money (legal or illegal) in RE and the gains are tax free or just become landlords/AirBnB owners to rent out collecting passive incomes. They are already somehow rich/established and can afford to buy RE but not going to work any real jobs to pay T4 taxes as such some rich immigrants end up having satellite family/houses here but being classified as low income people here in Canada under CRA’s criteria, this fault T4 based criteria result wrong income data collected and thus wrong fiscal Policy decisions are made. When looking back this only leads to the tax bases shrinking, deficits skyrocketing, housing prices soaring and young skilled workers/professionals leaving like we have already experienced in the last couple years. The policy did fail as matter of fact and the whole young generation are entirely priced out. What you really need to do at Policy Level is you must make housing affordable for the young working people at any cost to retain them because they are the backbone and future of the country and only they can give birth to our children (increase birth rate) and bring new ideas/knowledge, new innovations and productivity (increase tax revenues) through hard work to the ever aging and tax consuming populations.On the other hand, if you dare to game the system in China like the Liberal MP did in B.C. flipping so many properties and profited in millions in just several years, once get caught in there you done and are facing serious criminal charges based on the amount of illegal gains you make and that guy may easily end up with more than 25 years in jail time and lost all his properties, no joke. And that is why loose laws always attract and reward bold criminals who take chance both internationally and domestically. via /r/canadahousing

In China’s big cities Beijing, Shanghai etc., only city locals can own maximum two properties per household, and for foreiners or non local-resident other Chinese citizens, only one property allowed to buy and you must work and pay local taxes for more than 5 years! plus renting out is PROHIBITED! applies to non local residents. For apple to apple, It is like you live in Toronto and you cannot buy any property in Halifax unless you physically work in Halifax and pay local taxes in Halifax for more than 5 years, but after 5 years still only one Halifax property allowed to buy and

Read More via /r/houseplants via /r/todayilearned via /r/pics via /r/houseplants via /r/science via /r/woahdude via /r/gifs via /r/OldSchoolCool via /r/TheWayWeWere via /r/plants via /r/plantclinic, the French language version of the CBC, published an explosive investigative story here on March 26, 2020, as part of its Enquête series, where five realtors in Montréal each independently agreed to take proceeds of crime derived from Colombian narcotics activities from a buyer from Panama with a criminal record, on a hidden camera, and to obfuscate the transaction in the name of the buyer’s girlfriend, a 20-year-old unemployed student.In the report, available on YouTube (here), Radio-Canada explains that the buyer and the girlfriend are actors. They agreed to wear a hidden camera and microphone and, with the Radio-Canada producer, to meet with realtors in Montréal to view properties that ranged from $1.4 million to $7 million.One of the actor’s task was to disclose to the realtors that he had a criminal record from narcotics activities in Colombia; that he had quite a lot of money from narcotics activities that was moved from Panama to the Bahamas (both money laundering havens) and kept out of Canada.After disclosing his narcotics activities in Colombia, keeping money out of Canada and his criminal record, the second task of the actor was to see if the realtors would facilitate him buying millions of dollars in real estate with proceeds of crime without providing any ID, and if they would agree to put the real estate in the name of his unemployed girlfriend.Amazing reporting and shocking result – every realtor agreed to take proceeds of crime from Panama from a person with a criminal record and who was anonymous, and to keep the buyer’s name off any paperwork, and to register real title in a multi-million dollar property in the name of an unemployed third party.Some of the exchanges between the realtors and the buyer are as follows (translated by us):Buyer: “Are you capable of keeping a secret?”Realtor: “Yes.”Buyer: “Money is not an object for me, ok? The 1990s were golden years for me. I made lots of money. With, ah, Colombia. You follow?”Realtor: “Yes.”Buyer: “I was involved quite a lot in narcotics in the 1990s – I operated in the narcotics world quite a lot and I accumulated quite a lot of money that is, of course, outside of Canada. I was arrested for that. I had to do a bit of time. My money derives from that. I placed it in Panama. Then in the Bahamas.”Realtor: “Ok.“Yes, the realtor says “ok” after learning the guy did time for narcotics activities involving Colombia and parked the money outside of Canada.And there’s more exchanges with other realtors, as follows:Buyer: “You comprehend well that my money comes from drugs; we understand each other eh? And I don’t want anything to show up in Canada; my name appears nowhere in any transaction.”Realtor: “That doesn’t bother me at all.”Buyer: “That does not bother you at all?”Realtor: (Laughs) “My best friend’s husband does the same thing.”Buyer: “We understand each other.”Realtor: “We understand each other**.”**In Enquête, the buyer tells realtors that his girlfriend will buy the real estate through a private company and he will not give his ID. They tell him that’s ok.One realtor promises absolute discretion and says “I’ll even shake on it.” Another realtor suggests that they refrain from using email.One realtor says that in his eyes (meaning in his view), the buyer was not the buyer; the unemployed girlfriend was.Another two exchanges between the fictitious narcotics criminal from Panama and realtors were as follows:Buyer: “If you ask me for ID papers, you won’t get them.”Realtor: “Perfect.”Buyer: “That’s clear.”Realtor: “I won’t even ask you then.”Buyer: “You never saw me.”Realtor: “That’s it.”Buyer: “I don’t exist.”Realtor: “That’s it.”Another realtor:“I have zero problem with that. Absolutely zero problem. Zero. … no, no, no, no, zero problem with that.”Two different realtors, after hearing that the money was from narcotics activities from Colombia and that it had been placed in Panama and then in the Bahamas said it was not for them to judge.Wait what?Actually, it is for the realtors to judge.The Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act requires that realtors determine if there are reasonable grounds to suspect that a completed or an attempted financial transaction is tied to a predicate offence, which is a subjective determination and hence the realtor must make a judgment call. IOW, the realtor’s job is to judge the transaction’s likelihood to be connected to one of many predicate offences in Canada. There were at least three serious predicate offences staring the realtors in the face – tax evasion, money laundering and drug trafficking.It was snowing in Montreal during the real estate meetings and thus one exchange ends with the buyer, hitting home that he was in the cocaine business in Colombia, saying:Buyer: “The snow … I prefer to see it on a table. Not on the asphalt.”Realtor laughs.Radio-Canada called the realtors a week later and four of the five denied ever having been involved in a situation where a person sought to launder money through them.Some realtors said that they believed that their anti-money laundering and Criminal Code of Canada obligations arose only when there was a real estate offer from the buyer.The realtors, however, had an obligation to obtain, verify and record the identity of the buyer and the third party (the girlfriend) when they became clients, and to report the attempted financial transaction as a suspicious transaction to FINTRAC. There is no law that allows a reporting entity or its employees to obfuscate the parties in a transaction, or ignore third party ID measures. Then there is the issue of knowingly accepting proceeds of crime which is a criminal offence.The Enquête episode in French is below. It ends with commentary about the role of lawyers who practice in the area of real estate law and mentions the concerns with the exemption of lawyers as reporting entities in Canada and the fact that law enforcement has no visibility over the financial transactions of lawyers who have trust accounts.You may be wondering “just how bad are things in Canada when it comes to compliance with the proceeds of crime legislation?”Well, remember the first exchange where the narcotics criminal says “can you keep a secret?” and the realtor says “yes”? The whole of the proceeds of crime legislation in Canada, literally the whole of it, is to not keep a secret.Enquête | Émission spéciale sur l’immobilier: via /r/canadahousing

“Can you keep a secret?” How 5 different realtors in Canada agreed to launder proceeds of crime from Colombian narcotics activities for a criminal, in a Radio-Canada investigation, the French language version of the CBC, published an explosive investigative story here on March 26, 2020, as part of its Enquête series, where five realtors in Montréal each independently agreed to take proceeds of crime derived from Colombian narcotics activities from a buyer from Panama with a criminal record, on a hidden camera,

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“I have a foreboding of an America in my children’s or grandchildren’s time — when the United States is a service and information economy; when nearly all the manufacturing industries have slipped away to other countries; when awesome technological powers are in the hands of a very few, and no one representing the public interest can even grasp the issues; when the people have lost the ability to set their own agendas or knowledgeably question those in authority; when, clutching our crystals and nervously consulting our horoscopes, our critical faculties in decline, unable to distinguish between what feels good and what’s true, we slide, almost without noticing, back into superstition and darkness…The dumbing down of American is most evident in the slow decay of substantive content in the enormously influential media, the 30 second sound bites (now down to 10 seconds or less), lowest common denominator programming, credulous presentations on pseudoscience and superstition, but especially a kind of celebration of ignorance”Carl Sagan, The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the DarkThis book written in 1995 by Carl and his wife Ann Druyan almost seems like a prediction of the times we are living in today. What I appreciate about Ann and Carl is that they break down complex subjects into simple terms so that the layman can understand. The issues they talk about couldn’t be more important and needs to be understood by everyone.I really wish this was a book they required in the schools to read. Everyone needs to have a healthy level of skepticism in the age of information where anything and everything is being posted online, even here on Reddit.Every book by Carl has been its own gem and an eye opener to the universe and world we live on. Cosmos, Pale Blue Dot, or even his work of fiction Contact is truly spectacular.Many of you have heard of Carl Sagan already but if you have not taken the time to read his work I highly recommend you start with this book. via /r/books via /r/NatureIsFuckingLit
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