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27wks ish. I can breathe, but it’s not as satisfying as pre pregnancy, if you know what i mean. Nothing concerning, just ranting.I feel as if i’m breathing half immersed in water. There’s not enough room for my lungs to expand. My boobs are so heavy it almost weighs them down. I feel like i need to take some conscious deep breaths time to time to get some real good breathing in. via /r/pregnant

Anyone feel like it’s hard to breathe?

27wks ish. I can breathe, but it’s not as satisfying as pre pregnancy, if you know what i mean. Nothing concerning, just ranting.I feel as if i’m breathing half immersed in water. There’s not enough room for my lungs to expand. My boobs are so heavy it almost weighs them down. I feel like i

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We were looking at baby things and this person just went up to us and asked if we were expecting and gave us $400 in cash. Who even has that much with them 😭 we refused but they persisted, anyway my day was made via /r/BabyBumps via /r/programming

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I had my first baby this past February! I wanted to make this post, because through my whole pregnancy people were incredibly negative. They would tell me their horror labor stories, about how I’ll never sleep again and how I should get used to the sound of constant crying, etc.My labor was about 30 hours, but not as bad as I imagined. When it came time to push I pushed her out in 1 hour. Only two stitches. It was my first baby. You aren’t necessarily going to have a bad experience like some people say.My baby is now 5 weeks old and I sleep SO much better now than when I was pregnant. She started self cluster feeding at night and then sleeping 5-6 hours during the night. She has slept through multiple nights already. She “talks” to me with little noises when she is upset, but doesn’t cry often. She only cries if she is ignored for too long. She is easily calmed down once she gets what she wants.Parenthood is fantastic and just because some people had miserable experiences and colicky babies, doesn’t mean you will. Try not to worry about crying, sleeplessness or other horror stories. Unless it’s actively happening to you, it’s not worth letting the anxiety take away from your happiness of pregnancy and parenthood.Hope this all makes sense. Just want to say the things I wish I heard when I was pregnant, but unfortunately never did. via /r/pregnant

Enjoy your pregnancy and try not to worry…

I had my first baby this past February! I wanted to make this post, because through my whole pregnancy people were incredibly negative. They would tell me their horror labor stories, about how I’ll never sleep again and how I should get used to the sound of constant crying, etc.My labor was about 30 hours,

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FTM (21w) and I can’t believe all these crazy weird sensations I’m feeling in my body right now. Since I started being able to feel tiny movements I keep trying to explain to my boyfriend what they feel like but he just doesn’t get it. It’s like I have a tiny little microclimate inside my stomach – sometimes it’s cramps, sometimes it’s gas, sometimes it’s kicks. 50% of the time I catastrophise that something doesn’t feel right but so far i’ve thankfully always been wrong.Do you adjust to all these new sensations as the pregnancy develops or does it always feel this insane? via /r/pregnant via /r/pics via /r/pics via /r/todayilearned via /r/aww

Some additional pictures here: air comes in during the winter and we lose cold air in the summer.Seems obvious that I’ll need to replace that rubber seam but also wondering (worried?) that the door is too far away from the wall and is always going to let some air in. via /r/DIY

How to stop cold air from coming in through door frame?

Some additional pictures here: air comes in during the winter and we lose cold air in the summer.Seems obvious that I’ll need to replace that rubber seam but also wondering (worried?) that the door is too far away from the wall and is always going to let some air in. via /r/DIY

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Due to a shipping error our package got delivered to our neighbor across the street. We even have a photo of the package on their porch and despite showing the evidence they still deny it ever being there. I tried contacting FedEx but they refuse to do anything other than refer us to Babylist , the original shipper that evidently does not have customer support line beyond a chatbot. It’s been a huge bummer !! via /r/BabyBumps

My neighbor stole over $100 in baby items from us

Due to a shipping error our package got delivered to our neighbor across the street. We even have a photo of the package on their porch and despite showing the evidence they still deny it ever being there. I tried contacting FedEx but they refuse to do anything other than refer us to Babylist ,

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I’m 32 weeks, my belly is growing out of control, I occasionally pee myself, I have irritable uterus and braxton hicks daily, and my little one is lying transverse breech causing so much pressure and pain. I’ve been wearing my hair in a bun, baggy clothes, no make up and slumming it for almost a week, just all round dont like what I see in the mirror and can’t remember the last time I felt like myself.Last night I went for a walk and decided I was going to do some self care when I got home. I shaved what I could iykyk, moisturized, did my brows, put on some bondi sands fake tan (if you’re an Irish woman like myself, being tan makes you a better person), got some help painting my toes, and straightened my hair. I have to say today I woke up and felt just a little bit more like my old self than I have in a long while. The joy Ive gotten looking down at my pretty painted toes and tanned feet has been bliss. I just wanted to share incase anyone else is feeling really down.Yes, it took effort to take time for myself I have another child and a household I run, but I made it clear I was taking time for myself last night and it has made all the difference Did I struggle to shave and was I out of breath by the time my tan was on? YES.. still worth it though.Pregnancy is so so so hard and I definitely feel like we lose our identity in the process, if you’re feeling down do something for yourself that old you would’ve done, it has done wonders for my mental health today ❤️ via /r/pregnant

Dear Pregnant Mammas

I’m 32 weeks, my belly is growing out of control, I occasionally pee myself, I have irritable uterus and braxton hicks daily, and my little one is lying transverse breech causing so much pressure and pain. I’ve been wearing my hair in a bun, baggy clothes, no make up and slumming it for almost a

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I’m not sure what I’m looking for encouragement, solidarity, or resources but I feel like I’m struggling so much. I’m a mental health professional and I feel ashamed that I’m such a mess and can’t even seem to help myself.I have a 1.5 year old, am 26 weeks pregnant, and I work full time. I have lots of support from my in laws but none from my parents as I am keeping a distance from them due to the stress they caused me during my last pregnancy.I have always had trouble keeping up with household chores and duties, I have ADHD and it’s just always been a struggle. Now I feel like pregnancy is making it even worse, I’m forgetful, I have 0 energy. My husband likes to have a clean house and he is picking up all my slack and he is understandably very frustrated. Our marriage is struggling. Due to his own stressors he really isnt able to support me much right now. Maybe he is experiencing some depression of his own? I miss him, miss our relationship, and worry itll never be the same. My friends are distant. I feel so alone. I feel like a failure as a mom and as a parent. I love my babies more than anything in the world and they deserve a strong mom who doesn’t struggle so much. I cry all the time and I dont want my daughter to have to see me like that. At the end of the day I know I will be okay and that I can handle it all. I do have a therapist but only can afford to see her once a month. I am not interested in medication during pregnancy unless absolutely necessary.Anyone on the other side of this have any positive things to share or words of encouragement? Similar experiences? Resources or other ways you coped? via /r/BabyBumps

Depression and ADHD during pregnancy

I’m not sure what I’m looking for encouragement, solidarity, or resources but I feel like I’m struggling so much. I’m a mental health professional and I feel ashamed that I’m such a mess and can’t even seem to help myself.I have a 1.5 year old, am 26 weeks pregnant, and I work full time. I

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I’m not sure what I’m looking for encouragement, solidarity, or resources but I feel like I’m struggling so much. I’m a mental health professional and I feel ashamed that I’m such a mess and can’t even seem to help myself.I have a 1.5 year old, am 26 weeks pregnant, and I work full time. I have lots of support from my in laws but none from my parents as I am keeping a distance from them due to the stress they caused me during my last pregnancy.I have always had trouble keeping up with household chores and duties, I have ADHD and it’s just always been a struggle. Now I feel like pregnancy is making it even worse, I’m forgetful, I have 0 energy. My husband likes to have a clean house and he is picking up all my slack and he is understandably very frustrated. Our marriage is struggling. Due to his own stressors he really isnt able to support me much right now. I miss him, miss our relationship, and worry itll never be the same. My friends are distant. I feel so alone. I feel like a failure as a mom and as a parent. I love my babies more than anything in the world and they deserve a strong mom who doesn’t struggle so much. I cry all the time and I dont want my daughter to have to see me like that. At the end of the day I know I will be okay and that I can handle it all. I do have a therapist but only can afford to see her once a month. I am not interested in medication during pregnancy unless absolutely necessary.Anyone on the other side of this have any positive things to share or words of encouragement? Similar experiences? Resources or other ways you coped? via /r/BabyBumps

Depression and ADHD during pregnancy

I’m not sure what I’m looking for encouragement, solidarity, or resources but I feel like I’m struggling so much. I’m a mental health professional and I feel ashamed that I’m such a mess and can’t even seem to help myself.I have a 1.5 year old, am 26 weeks pregnant, and I work full time. I

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Be sure to click clack em a few times before you reach in, because you have to do that with tongs regardless of the situation. via /r/pregnant via /r/reactiongifs via /r/toronto via /r/TheWayWeWere

Could you be any more delusional and self-serving as this man? I loved him in Friends and for a long time was feeling very sympathetic towards him and his struggles, addiction can get to the best of people and I do admire those who keep fighting. But this book was something else. A blatant lack of self-awareness, narcissism and inflated ego was just too much.This is the man, who admits he cheated on basically each of his girlfriends, yet at the same time thinks “he’s a very good person, he would never hurt anyone and God can see this”.This is the man who hurt and drove away those who helped him the most, those who spent months with him in hospitals and rehabs, risking their careers and private lives, and suddenly were disposable when he was discharged because “as long as I’m sober, I don’t need them any more and now they’re needy”.This is the man who constantly shits on every person more successful than him. Who thinks that every bad thing that happened to him must be the fault of someone else. That he’s not even in the slightest responsible for how his life looks like, because “it’s a disease, and you’re lucky you don’t have it, woe is me, I don’t have any control over it”. Who destroyed so many movies because of his addiction, and once just disappeared for 6 months during the production to go on a binge and later detox, and is in absolute shock they sued him for financial loses. “How could they, it was health issue??”. Who hurt every woman he’s every been with, but when his ex (!) informs him she’s getting married and won’t be able to attend his play he says “her emailing me about it is the worst thing someone has done to me, I would NEVER do that to a person, how could she”. The whole book is just constant self-serving “me, myself and I, why everyone around me is always wrong and why all I did to myself and other people is not my fault”. I was physically ill by the end of this book.The narcissism is so obvious it’s not even funny. Early in his career his supposed friend rejected role of Chandler, which he obviously later regretted seeing how it played out for Matthew. What Perry has to say about it? He just randomly quotes a journalist saying that it was a blessing to the world it was Perry who was cast and that his friend would be a shitty Chandler anyway. Who the hell would do something like that to a friend? Did you just kept this quote memorized for 20+ years or went out of your way to locate any negative comment about your friend to include this in your memoir? Absolutely shocking. More on narcissism – he writes his first play in 10 days and self proclaims it as “great work better than classics” and gets all annoyed that it was demolished by critics. Did it ever occur to him that maybe it wasn’t that good and he could work on it more? Of course not, critics just don’t understand his genius, and besides, here’s one semi-positive review he found – proceeds to quote it in its entirety. Yes, quoting passages praising Matthew Perry takes quite big portion of this book.As for his addiction, this is something that happens to him against his will, he would love to trade places even with homeless or broke people, they don’t get how hard he got it in life with his addicted brain. He’d love to stop, but when even the slightest hardship happens in his life, he just has to drink or use. It’s just how his body works, not his fault, you’re lucky if you don’t have this disease. People who overcame addiction? Oh, they had it easy, easier version, easier to overcome, lucky bastards. He’s one of the few that got the hardest version and he’s a hero for living with it every day.I could go on, but let’s stop here. If this was a work of fiction, I’m certain people would find it almost unbelievable. You can’t be that dense and oblivious to all of your faults, this is just bad writing. But here we are – the person who carefully made sure to only surround himself with yes-men is unable to see or admit he is the only constant in every situation that he messed up. What a surprise. Good luck with sobriety with the attitude of constant whining and looking for others to blame, you’ll need that, Matthew. via /r/books via /r/mildlyinteresting

I currently work as a WordPress developer at an agency, but I’ve found myself needing better pay and benefits. I also want to spread my wings a bit outside of the WordPress world. I’ve already had 2 interviews with this company, and a day after the last interview they sent me this take home test: team enjoyed talking through your experience.  We are asking applicants to partake in a front-end programming challenge.  It’s attached for your review.  If you cannot nail down every part of it, no problem, we just want to learn a bit more about your skills.  Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me with any questions.”​They told me there was no time limit and that I could turn it in whenever. I’ve already spent about 12-15 hours on it, and all I’ve been able to accomplish is pulling the product data and nesting them under their respective categories. I guess the purpose of this post is to ask the more seasoned professionals if this is a feasible challenge to complete for a Junior position? Admittedly, I’m having a really hard time and I’m beginning to become a bit frustrated. :(Thanks in advance! via /r/webdev

I’m currently in the interview process for a Jr. Full Stack Developer position, and I was given this take-home test that has me on the verge of pulling my hair out.

I currently work as a WordPress developer at an agency, but I’ve found myself needing better pay and benefits. I also want to spread my wings a bit outside of the WordPress world. I’ve already had 2 interviews with this company, and a day after the last interview they sent me this take home test:

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Good morning serbia,i visited friends in serbia who lived in a village. One day I was bored and decided to go for a walk. I’m learning Serbian but I still speak it very badly. A man was sitting on a bench and as I walked past him he asked me where I was from and that he had never seen me before. Then he invited me to his house, he caught fish and wanted to invite me to eat fish. I’m from Germany and my first thought was that he wants to lure me into his house and kill me. I told my friends about this encounter, they assured me that this is normal in Serbia.Is this really part of Serbian culture? via /r/serbia

Is this normal in serbia?

Good morning serbia,i visited friends in serbia who lived in a village. One day I was bored and decided to go for a walk. I’m learning Serbian but I still speak it very badly. A man was sitting on a bench and as I walked past him he asked me where I was from and

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What can I say, I am a complete sucker for good marketing and as an anxious FTM I bought pretty much everything there was to buy. Baby is 6 months old now. Here’s what I’d buy again, and what I wouldn’t:HITS:The Snoo: This machine is worth it’s weight in gold as far as I’m concerned. Our baby was a good sleeper on her own, no doubt about it, but I firmly believe that the Snoo helped her develop good habits and learn how to self-soothe early on. She slept through the night from 6 weeks, and reliably did 10-12 hours by 3 months. It also saved SO much time not having to rock her all the way to sleep for every nap. We bought it used for $800 and resold it for $650 so in the end it only cost us $150 for 6 months. That said, I would have paid full price given the value we got from it.Uppababy Vista: We are big walkers and we love this thing. It has big wheels and great suspension so baby isn’t troubled at all by bumps in the road, and the huge basket is great for shopping trips, big diaper bags, and more. The included bassinet also provided a great place for her to nap on the go.Lovevery Play Gym: I don’t know what it is about this thing but our baby LOVED it. We could just put her down on it and she would giggle and smile for hours looking at the cards or playing with the toys. Perfect for when we needed a little break from entertaining her, and looks great in our living room.Lovevery Play Kits: The quality and the level of thought they put into these things is really incredible. Baby has loved all the toys we’ve gotten so far – they’re all so creative.Doona Carseat/Stroller: Love this transformer-esque thing. Great for travel, ubers, planes, grandparents needing a quick carseat for their car, or anywhere we need a stroller smaller than the giant uppababy.BabyBrezza FormulaPro & Sterilizer: If you’re formula feeding, these things are lifesavers! They both saved us so much time & hassle. Like a Keurig for baby.Beis Diaper Backpack: I love this thing. All the little touches are so thoughtful, and people have absolutely gone nuts when they see me bust out the huge fold-out changing station when we’re out and about. Looks great, and versatile enough that dad can easily carry it too.Dr. Nozebot: I honestly had no interest in manually sucking the snot out of my baby’s nose, so this thing was a lifesaver. It sucks an INSANE amount out in seconds, super strong and effective.Taking Cara Babies: I know I know, it’s controversial and the info is available in other places. I honestly just wanted a quick & dirty, easy to understand intro to baby sleep and I got it with this. If you have time to read books on it, that might be better, but I personally thought her material was incredibly useful.MEH:Stokke Tripp Trapp: I really love this thing and so does baby, but oh MAN is it expensive. Once you get all the attachments it’s like $450 for a highchair. I think there are probably other options that are better value, but it is very nice.BabyBjorn Bouncer: I adore this thing since it’s so portable – I’ll put baby in it when doing dishes, when we’re eating, etc. It really calms her down and she loves bouncing around in it. That said, I’m not sure the BB is really any better than cheaper bouncers.Baby Bjorn Baby Carrier: This thing is fine, but a little complicated to use, and I personally found the much cheaper baby k’tan to be a lot more comfy.Frida Baby Kits: These little random tools are useful to have around, but these are honestly pretty overpriced for random plastic items. I would just look at what’s in them and order from Amazon as you need.MISSES:Owlet Sock and Camera: I can’t even describe how much I hate these things. Glitchy, never works right, constantly disconnecting and making the most annoying beeping noises. Such a waste of money. I got fed up and got a cheap Amazon camera and it’s a million times better.Mamaroo: I don’t know guys. I guess some babies really love this thing but mine did nothing but scream. We used it twice. Maybe get it used and see if yours likes it?Hatch Changing Table & Scale: You can just step on a normal scale, then step back on holding baby, and calculate their weight by looking at the difference. Why I did not realize this, I do not know. You don’t need a baby scale.Uppababy Mesa Car Seat: It’s nice that it attaches to the stroller, but it’s extremely confusing and difficult to use (took us months to understand how the straps work) and it only goes up to 32″ babies – ours is almost too big for it and she’s only 6 months! Wish I had gotten a better seat and an UB adapter instead. (ETA everyone is saying the straps are not confusing so there is a high possibility I am just an idiot lol)Frida Postpartum Kits: I ended up having a C-section and not even opening these. They seem nice but pretty much everything included you can just get at the hospital for free. Just wait until you deliver, and see how you feel and what you really need.SnuggleMe Lounger: Our baby was completely content to be placed on a mat or rug. She didn’t love this thing and we used it maybe twice.If anyone had similar or different experiences with these, or if there are things I missed, please add your thoughts! via /r/BabyBumps via /r/mildlyinteresting via /r/pics

Hi all, Im a FTM who graduated 2 weeks ago (unplanned c-section) and am so grateful for all the support I got through this subreddit during my pregnancy. I always appreciated reading graduation and new parenthood posts, and I thought I would share some parts of new parenthood that have surprised me. I know there will be new and unexpected challenges ahead, and I don’t mean to speak too soon, but in general things have been easier than i thought they would be. For example:-I have been sleeping about 7 hours a night (with interruptions) and the quality of my sleep is WAY better than while pregnant.-I have a lot of energy; I was able to walk 2 miles yesterday, which I hadn’t done since second trimester.-my husband and I have been caretaking by ourselves and it’s been very doable. Friends and family have stopped by briefly with food, but there hasn’t been a time I really wished we had an extra pair of hands.-we did triple-feeding for 5 days to get baby’s birthweight up, and that was really tough, but it was still less tiring than being pregnant and now just regular breastfeeding feels easy in comparison.-my nipples got chewed up and scabbed pretty badly the first week, but now are healed. Nipple balm and silverettes were life-savers in the first days but I’ve stopped using them for now.-along similar lines, the learning curve for breastfeeding is steep but went quickly for us, especially thanks to our lactation consultant. Baby and I got lots of practice and learned so much so fast.-I find myself missing my baby when she’s asleep and waiting for her to wake up so we can hang out again.-c-section recovery has been pretty easy. My incision healed up really fast and I havent had pain since I was discharged from the hospital 2 days pp.-we’ve been able to keep our house clean and figure out new systems as we go for laundry, storage, etc – not all our plans made sense once baby was here but we’ve adapted-I am wildly happy even when I’m tired or frustrated. I have generalized anxiety (treated with lexapro) and I haven’t had PPA or PPD symptoms yet. I feel very peaceful with baby. I will remain vigilant about how I’m feeling but my lack of anxiety so far has been a very welcome development.There have of course been hard moments, especially with the triple-feeding, but also so many things to celebrate like the above. I don’t mean to rub in how positive these last two weeks have been, as I know many people have a very different experience, but I hope by sharing I can give some hope to other ftms fearing the worst for their quality of life postpartum. Good luck to you all!! via /r/pregnant

Things that surprise me at 2 weeks postpartum

Hi all, Im a FTM who graduated 2 weeks ago (unplanned c-section) and am so grateful for all the support I got through this subreddit during my pregnancy. I always appreciated reading graduation and new parenthood posts, and I thought I would share some parts of new parenthood that have surprised me. I know there

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