mooo via /r/Damnthatsinteresting via /r/OldSchoolCool

Recently visited this park for the first time, it is much more interesting than a cursory look at the photos on Google Maps would lead one to believe – which seem to focus on the statutes at the front. It has a LOT of relics from a lot of grand buildings in Toronto, before they were replaced with skyscrapers or otherwise modernized.​examples of the relics:Bank of Montreal Building (1937–1948)Animal Panels – six limestone panels depicting various animals, designed by Jacobine JonesPanels of the Provinces – twelve panels for each of the provinces and two territories, topped by a filial from the entrance gate to Victoria Park in Niagara Falls.Bank of Nova Scotia, 39 King Street West (1903)exterior entrance, stone carvings, columnsBank of Toronto building (1912)columns, eight columns, arches and other pieces used for Greek Theatre, entrancecrest panels (Enterprise, Architecture, Toronto coat of arms)Quebec Bank (1912)stone carvings (mounted on reverse of Bank of Nova Scotia carvings)Imperial Bank of Canada, 2 Bloor St West (1928)stone entrance, including fluted columns and pediment via /r/toronto

I don’t know if this is common knowledge, but it blew my husband away so I figured I would share in case people aren’t aware: The long and short is that there is an adaptive technology tool called “voice control” on iPhone (I know android has similar) which allows you to control custom taps/movements. I have mine recorded to tap on the right and left button in huckleberry so that I can set up the feeding timer and just let it track accurately. You could absolutely make this as complicated as you wanted by having it open the app, click the feeding button, and then use left/right. Or you can use this for any type of app with basic repetitive functions. I also use it to swipe up and down in tik tok. I turn it off and on before and after feeding so it doesn’t listen all the time. via /r/breastfeeding

I don’t know if this is common knowledge, but it blew my husband away so I figured I would share in case people aren’t aware: The long and short is that there is an adaptive technology tool called “voice control” on iPhone (I know android has similar) which allows you to control custom taps/movements. I have mine recorded to tap on the right and left button in huckleberry so that I can set up the feeding timer and just let it track accurately. You could absolutely make this as complicated as you wanted by having it open the app, click the feeding button, and then use left/right. Or you can use this for any type of app with basic repetitive functions. I also use it to swipe up and down in tik tok. I turn it off and on before and after feeding so it doesn’t listen all the time. via /r/breastfeeding via /r/TheWayWeWere via /r/Damnthatsinteresting via /r/OldSchoolCool via /r/NatureIsFuckingLit via /r/houseplants via /r/OldSchoolCool via /r/toronto via /r/OldSchoolCool

I am the owner of the subreddit. As you know, I created that subreddit in the hopes of providing a safe space for women to talk about breastfeeding without being badgered by creeps and weirdos. The subreddit has been set to private since it’s inception and I, and my moderator team, have painstakingly reviewed every. single. user. who has requested to join to ensure, to the best of our ability, that every person who could view and participate in the subreddit was a breastfeeding parent. In light of the API protests on Reddit, the admins are threatening to forcefully reopen subs that have gone private. There are reports of communities that have always been private being threatened by the the admins to either open themselves to the public or be taken over by moderators installed by the admins and forcefully opened. If you have ever posted in /r/privatebreastfeeding, I strongly suggest you remove any content you wouldn’t want to be made public. I am going to do everything in my power to keep any images and posts private, but this is something that is now beyond my control and I would rather the entire subreddit be nuked of all content then run the risk of it being released against the consent of the people who posted. I’ve posted this in this subreddit, along with in /r/privatebreastfeeding to hopefully get as much traction as possible. via /r/breastfeeding via /r/OldSchoolCool via /r/TheWayWeWere via /r/OldSchoolCool via /r/todayilearned via /r/todayilearned via /r/itookapicture via /r/OldSchoolCool via /r/science via /r/NICUParents

My 28 weeker graduated after 93 days in the NICU. Now he is 7 weeks adjusted. He’s been placed on 26 cal per oz breast milk fortified with Similac advance. Since then he has had some constipation issues which we tried to resolve with prune juice (didn’t work) and probiotics (did work but now pooping less again). In his latest check up his percentile dropped a bit again down to 27% and he’s now drinking 17 oz by bottle plus 1x nursing in the last few days, whereas he should be getting probably closer to 25 oz. I’m concerned he’s not eating enough. Parents of preemies: how long did you fortify milk? How many oz does your preemie typically eat at 1-2 months adjusted age. Did you see drop offs in weight? Did you continue to do overnight feeds? He doesn’t really wake up for them but we were advised to wake him after 5 hours for a feed. He is hungry but falls asleep pretty quickly in the overnight feed and tends to not eat too much. I know this post is a bit rambly – just looking for input and solidarity that it will all be ok. via /r/NICUParents

1 month graduated from NICU. Advice needed on feeding

My 28 weeker graduated after 93 days in the NICU. Now he is 7 weeks adjusted. He’s been placed on 26 cal per oz breast milk fortified with Similac advance. Since then he has had some constipation issues which we tried to resolve with prune juice (didn’t work) and probiotics (did work but now pooping

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My baby is 12 days old and didn’t gain any weight over the weekend. We have a midwife that comes over every weekday to help us out and weigh the baby. Since baby hasn’t gained weight my midwife thinks I’m not producing enough milk. The thing is my baby makes a large poop every few days or more often. I can see the milk collecting around her mouth when feeding. And when she is done (20+ minutes) I can still express milk from the breast. I read that overproduction can look like frothy bubbly poops which my baby had today. I don’t want to drink a bunch of lactation teas and drinks if I’m already producing enough (or too much milk). I would like to hear some others opinions please … via /r/breastfeeding

Can milk overproduction look like underproduction?

My baby is 12 days old and didn’t gain any weight over the weekend. We have a midwife that comes over every weekday to help us out and weigh the baby. Since baby hasn’t gained weight my midwife thinks I’m not producing enough milk. The thing is my baby makes a large poop every few

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I’m at my wit’s end about this. Every feeding time is a struggle. I tried to get baby to the boob once I see the hunger cues, but she never open her mouth wide enough for me, when she does, she’d look away and refuses to be directed, and also, within seconds she’d switch from calm to screaming at the boob. I feel like I have to fight just to get her to latch, because she’s resisting me all the way through, she’ll also put her hands in her mouth, and often would take a swipe at my boob while also would make the hungry cues while staring at the nipple. I’m so tired of having to struggle each time, I’m also still sore as I’m still recovering from c-section so the baby wriggling around and struggling is very uncomfortable for me. Basically it takes both me and hubby assisting me to get her to latch. I’ve managed a few times when I could latch her on my own, but most of the times hubby helped with it. I’ve tried multiple positions and the one that’s most comfortable for me and works the most is the cradle hold. Then not to mention the bad latch attempts. I’m not quite at a stage where I can get a good latch on the first go, often it takes 3-4 goes before I can get her on a good latch. All of this is very frustrating, especially for midnight (or that ungodly hour in the morning) feeding.Any advice on how to deal with this? I really need to get this sorted soon as hubby is going back to work soon and I still can’t do this consistently on my own and it’s stressing me out.Thank you so much. via /r/breastfeeding

Can’t get baby to settle to feed

I’m at my wit’s end about this. Every feeding time is a struggle. I tried to get baby to the boob once I see the hunger cues, but she never open her mouth wide enough for me, when she does, she’d look away and refuses to be directed, and also, within seconds she’d switch from

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FTM and I’ve tried to be concision of my posture while feeding, holy crap it’s bad! Shoulder shrugged to my ear from holding my boob, head forward and looking down at baby causing my traps to roll forward and I just work up at 4 am to feed and could barely get him out of his bassinet because the part of my traps where it goes base of head, down the neck to shoulder is SO damn tight and on fire. Anyone else experience this? via /r/breastfeeding

Sore tight traps

FTM and I’ve tried to be concision of my posture while feeding, holy crap it’s bad! Shoulder shrugged to my ear from holding my boob, head forward and looking down at baby causing my traps to roll forward and I just work up at 4 am to feed and could barely get him out of

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LO is 3.5 MO. Almost every night is a nightmare to put her down since day 1. She almost always gets fussy, wide eyed, refuses to sleep and fights to nurse for about 5 hours before bed… pretty much every single night since birth. On the rare occasion she’ll peacefully nurse and go to sleep. Any idea why this is always happening? That part of my day is important. Sometimes I need time to step away for a meal, a shower, time with my SO, a movie, or whatever.. instead I stay busy trying to console her, getting her back on the boob after she keeps pulling off but fusses because she’s still hungry but won’t stay still or thinks she can eat from my armpit, and trying to get her down for naps when its been hours but she’s cranky and refuses… Will late evening – night time ever get easier? via /r/breastfeeding

Why is LO extremely fussy and difficult at night?

LO is 3.5 MO. Almost every night is a nightmare to put her down since day 1. She almost always gets fussy, wide eyed, refuses to sleep and fights to nurse for about 5 hours before bed… pretty much every single night since birth. On the rare occasion she’ll peacefully nurse and go to sleep.

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My LO is 2 months old now. She is both formula fed and breast milk. While in the NICU she received Enfamil and we’ve been using the same formula at home. She receives more formula than breast milk since my supply is still low. The last 3 weeks she has recently been experiencing a lot of constipation and gas. I brought it up with her pediatrician and she assured me that it’s normal and that we should still stick with the same formula and not change anything. This past 2 weeks her constipation has been getting worse. She cries and withers in pain and it’s really hard to watch. Also just random side note when she does pass gas it’s pretty smelly like an adult passed gas 🫣. And when she finally is able to relieve herself her poop is extremely watery, green, and very smelly. The pediatrician also said that we can give a little bit of prune juice to help so we been doing 5ml in the morning and evening but she still seems uncomfortable all the time. Recently she has been sleeping more through the night and not waking up for feeds. She was pretty good with waking up every 3 hours but I feel that her constipation is making her feel full when she barely ate. I’m getting worried especially since she was preemie and gaining steady weight is important right now. I was wondering if anyone has had similar experiences with their LO and what has helped and what do you think could be causing this much constipation/ gas? via /r/NICUParents

Help! Baby is constipated!

My LO is 2 months old now. She is both formula fed and breast milk. While in the NICU she received Enfamil and we’ve been using the same formula at home. She receives more formula than breast milk since my supply is still low. The last 3 weeks she has recently been experiencing a lot

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My two month old has a small infection and I was worried we’d struggle to get him to take his antibiotics. The pharmacy let us choose what flavor we wanted and, on a whim, I chose apple. To my surprise and delight, he loves it! He smiles and coos when we give him his antibiotics! A win for Mom and Dad, right? Well, the same evening he started his antibiotics he became extremely fussy with his feeding. After some trial and error, I came to realize that this baby prefers the taste of his antibiotics to regular breast milk. He was eating enough that making a doctors appointment would be unwarranted but still little enough that it was stressing me out. Making apple milk is out of the question, but this baby has previously been obsessed with garlic milk. I ate some garlic to see if that would entice him to feed a bit longer and it worked! Most of the calm, full feeds he’s had these past couple days have been a couple hours after eating garlic.I bought a big bag of garlic at the store last night with plans to roast it. I figure I’ll eat some roasted garlic a couple times a day until he’s through with his antibiotics, and then I’ll wean him off of garlic milk and back onto regular breast milk. I never expected flavor preference to be a part of our breastfeeding journey, but here we are!TL/DR: Baby has significant and clear preference for apple antibiotics over breast milk, and will only compromise and drink breast milk when it’s garlicky. via /r/breastfeeding

I cant make apple milk

My two month old has a small infection and I was worried we’d struggle to get him to take his antibiotics. The pharmacy let us choose what flavor we wanted and, on a whim, I chose apple. To my surprise and delight, he loves it! He smiles and coos when we give him his antibiotics!

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Help. This has got to be colic right? This is my second baby 7 weeks old and BF has actually gone really well this time around. But she cries so damn much especially during witching hour until 11pmish. She’s constantly filling her mouth with milk and spitting it all up all over both of us. I do have a pretty heavy let down though. I don’t eat dairy except for the occasional cheese stick or ice cream. I use almond milk creamer and milk. Please don’t say it’s the coffee..? Tips from colicky bf moms are appreciated because I’m dying crying and starting to doubt myself.. via /r/breastfeeding

Colic SOS

Help. This has got to be colic right? This is my second baby 7 weeks old and BF has actually gone really well this time around. But she cries so damn much especially during witching hour until 11pmish. She’s constantly filling her mouth with milk and spitting it all up all over both of us.

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Is it ok to ask the doctor to let baby stay few more days or is it completely up to the doctor when baby gets discharged?Our baby girl was born at 28 weeks and luckily she did very well for the past two months and two days ago they removed her ng tube. Mom had to take some strong antibiotic and couldnt give breast milk to baby and when we switched to formula, she started to have some constipation issues. She struggled for two days and after upping her prune juice intake she finally was able to poopoo! But her weight gain isn’t consistent yet and I think she is still having some constipation. Part of me wants her home asap but another part of me wants her to stay with the trained nurses until she is super perfect to come home. I feel embarrassed to ask if she could stay few more days when other parents are counting minutes until they get to bring the child home. Do you think its ok to ask the doctor for few more days? via /r/NICUParents

Asking few more days in NICU

Is it ok to ask the doctor to let baby stay few more days or is it completely up to the doctor when baby gets discharged?Our baby girl was born at 28 weeks and luckily she did very well for the past two months and two days ago they removed her ng tube. Mom had

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I joked I went into breastfeeding as a FTM with vibes only. In hindsight I really had no idea what I was doing, and really didn’t know what to expect. I was blessed with a baby who latched damn near perfect from the get-go, a great supply and wonderful support from my husband but here’s what I wish I would have known. Babies are fussy, regardless of their food source. I always see lots of moms on here upset or pushed to formula because their baby was fussy. More commonly, people assuming their supply is low because of fusiness. But this is just part of it, and it gets better. Track wet diapers, and if they are having enough you gotta trust your body is doing it’s thing. I know how hard it can be to not SEE how much your baby is getting when you are nursing. But as long as they are growing on their curve, and having enough wet diapers, trust yourself EVEN if they fuss (see #1) The 6 week growth spurt is hell..I heard soooo much about the 4 month sleep regression on tik Tok, but absolutely nothing about those first few big growth spurts..omg. my baby cried for hours every night and was inconsolable until she magically was fine. Newborns also have a lot of gas. You don’t need to cut out diary, soy, etc etc at the first sign of a gassy baby. Breastfeeding is a lot of hard work, and having a supportive partner really could make or break the journey for you. I could not have made it to 6 months without a wonderful husband who took care of the dogs, brought me drinks, snacks and helped take care of me post c-section. And finally, I also saw a lot on tik Tok about how people stopped breastfeeding to save their mental health. & I respect those women, we gotta take care of ourselves. But it scared me, but honestly breastfeeding HELPED my mental health post-partum. I still had post-partum anxiety and depression, and am doing much better on an SSRI BUT getting so many quiet moments, just me and my baby, nursing her made me feel so so much better. I think it’s important to share how beneficial breastfeeding can be for your mental health too. Now onto my next goal, 1 year EBFing! via /r/breastfeeding

Today we had to go register my son’s birth. It’s the first time we have taken him out in the almost 3 weeks we’ve had him. I was quite anxious about needing to feed him in public. I don’t have a lot of accessible clothes so I went with a v-neck summer dress. I fed him in the waiting room of the register’s office and used a cover. I’m so proud of myself. And I didn’t even use a nipple shield because he knocked it off before latching and was already starting to fuss so I just went for it and we were very successful. I know it’s not a huge deal but I don’t have anyone I can really share this with. My husband didn’t see it as a big deal. But it felt huge to me. I’m finally feeling more confident about taking him out. I think tomorrow we are going to venture to the mall! via /r/breastfeeding

Successfully breastfed in public!!

Today we had to go register my son’s birth. It’s the first time we have taken him out in the almost 3 weeks we’ve had him. I was quite anxious about needing to feed him in public. I don’t have a lot of accessible clothes so I went with a v-neck summer dress. I fed

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Okay, so I understand that this is the opposite of what a lot of breastfeeding moms experience. I’m hoping I’m not speaking into the void here.Have any other moms had an issue where it seems like you’re losing too much weight while breastfeeding?I’ve been exclusively breastfeeding for 7.5mos now and it seems like no matter how many calories I consume, I can’t seem to keep weight on. I’m about the size that I was before my first pregnancy and that was small. I don’t like what I see in the mirror; I feel like a stick. I’m quickly getting to the point of wanting to stop breastfeeding just because I feel like that might help me put some weight back on.Should I be concerned about this? I’ve heard about postpartum thyroid issues, but I don’t seem to have any other symptoms. via /r/breastfeeding

Losing too much weight from breastfeeding?

Okay, so I understand that this is the opposite of what a lot of breastfeeding moms experience. I’m hoping I’m not speaking into the void here.Have any other moms had an issue where it seems like you’re losing too much weight while breastfeeding?I’ve been exclusively breastfeeding for 7.5mos now and it seems like no matter

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Hi there, we are first time parents and NICU parents… What a wild ride has parenthood been for us so far! Our little one showed up at almost 26 weeks and has been in the NICU for close to 3 months now. Our baby’s progress was good until about a month ago, they needed to perform an emergency surgery (abdominal) we were then told everything looked good and that the team only needed to put everything back into place as the intestine was kind of herniated a little and that caused a blocage. That was supposed to be good news since they didnt need to remove any part and we were told that it might have been cause by a NEC that healed which seems to be the #1 challenge for preemies. Fast forward to a week ago when they started feeding her again, it went on for a couple of days then she threw everything up and they are suspecting an intestinal occlusion and we were basically told our baby will most probably need another surgery in a couple of weeks. We are completely lost and feel like we’re alone in this…Any parents out there that went through something similar and feel like sharing their story with us? We could really use some light and hope in what seems like an endless journey. Thank you via /r/NICUParents

First time parents / NICU parents

Hi there, we are first time parents and NICU parents… What a wild ride has parenthood been for us so far! Our little one showed up at almost 26 weeks and has been in the NICU for close to 3 months now. Our baby’s progress was good until about a month ago, they needed to

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I used to exclusively pump. Now I exclusively nurse. I had to pump for the first time in almost 3 months today and I got absolutely nothing. I raised the suction which made it hurt a bit but still nothing.I used to have a major oversupply with this pump, so it’s not a flange size issue.Has anyone else experienced this?The reason I had to pump was my teething baby is on a bit of a nursing strike so I felt engorged. via /r/breastfeeding

Pump doesnt work on me anymore??

I used to exclusively pump. Now I exclusively nurse. I had to pump for the first time in almost 3 months today and I got absolutely nothing. I raised the suction which made it hurt a bit but still nothing.I used to have a major oversupply with this pump, so it’s not a flange size

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He wakes about every 3 hours to feed, so about 3 times nightly between going to bed around 8 and waking around 8-9 am. Wondering if this is too much night time sleep plus his ~3 hours of naps in the day? Should I wake him sooner in the morning?We’ve just begun solids (oatmeal or applesauce once a day), should we offer that more and just before bed?Should my partner try to soothe him back to sleep? Should I try giving a pacifier every time before feeding? Maybe holding him for a second with a pacifier then laying him back down? Should I not change his diaper but feed him to avoid waking him more? Or change him but not feed him so he isn’t so used to the night feedings?Should I give a bottle before bed instead of nursing?I know night feeds are normal, but I have a toddler too and work from home and really just want more sleep… if we could even drop one night feed, it would be great.Thanks via /r/breastfeeding

How to get my 6 mo EBF to sleep longer at night

He wakes about every 3 hours to feed, so about 3 times nightly between going to bed around 8 and waking around 8-9 am. Wondering if this is too much night time sleep plus his ~3 hours of naps in the day? Should I wake him sooner in the morning?We’ve just begun solids (oatmeal or

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My boyfriend and I have about 4 more hours until we make it home from San Francisco and we’re almost done with Verity by Colleen Hoover and over all we’ve been hooked! Looking for some other recs to get us through the rest of the trip via /r/audiobooks

I haven’t been doing a great job eating during the day because I’m alone with my 6 week old who only wants to be held. I put him down when I can get away with it but that’s usually not very long. So what are some quick and filling snack or lunch ideas? What are you all eating when your boss says no lunch breaks or I’ll scream? I don’t want my supply to suffer via /r/breastfeeding

Quick meals you can eat without a Velcro baby??

I haven’t been doing a great job eating during the day because I’m alone with my 6 week old who only wants to be held. I put him down when I can get away with it but that’s usually not very long. So what are some quick and filling snack or lunch ideas? What are

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I was 21 at the moment, first pregnancy. Found out with the second child my cervix was incompetent. Didn’t get a cerclage the first pregnancy.She was born around 1lb & 5oz i think. I was on IV, given 2 steroid shots for her lung development, and was in labor for over a day trying to avoid the birthing (i kept refusing pitocin). after i gave in, she was born 10 hours later, vaginally, in her little sac. 170 days at the nicu. @ inova fairfax, VA.Huge shoutout to the medical team there. I stayed at the Ronald Mcdonald housing and kept breast pumping. She received my colostrum under her tongue with a swab during oral care, which i believe was the sprinkle of me that helped her strive. Whatever it was, my micro preemie made it.She is over 1 today, next month will be a year since discharge. Still a touchy subject for me but wanted to encourage people to go to this NICU if they’re able to. I raised over 10 grand during my stay with tiktok. I have not updated the tiktok donors unfortunately, it was too much at the moment to share her progress. But to the ones in my situation, stay strong! Do research. & stay close to your little one 💛 via /r/NICUParents

my 22 week & 3 days baby girl

I was 21 at the moment, first pregnancy. Found out with the second child my cervix was incompetent. Didn’t get a cerclage the first pregnancy.She was born around 1lb & 5oz i think. I was on IV, given 2 steroid shots for her lung development, and was in labor for over a day trying to

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Little one is 7 weeks. I was pumping between 300 and 400ml a day, and baby often didn’t want the bottle after breastfeeding, so I decided it’s time. It wasn’t easy, baby was at breast almost entire time during the day. I don’t remember much from the night, but I think I woke up maybe two times or so. There were a lot of wet diapers so she got enough to drink. Now it’s the next morning, baby gurgles happily, and I’m happy too. We did it! via /r/breastfeeding via /r/OldSchoolCool via /r/OldSchoolCool via /r/woahdude via /r/powerwashingporn

Do I need a waterproof protector under my bassinet sheet? Also, does anyone deal with the corners of the bassinet pad curling with the sheets? This causes the corners to be more rounded and then there’s a tiny gap in the corners of the bassinet. via /r/pregnant via /r/TheWayWeWere

When I was pregnant I attended as many classes as I could find. Through my insurance, hospital and private. I attended 2 different breastfeeding classes and went over breastfeeding briefly during 1 (Preparing for Delivery and Postpartum). When talking about breastfeeding all videos show a happy mom, usually smiling from ear to ear, breastfeeding her baby. They show different feeding positions that said mom is so comfortable doing and baby is cooperating, with the perfect latch being all cute. In the beginning of my breastfeeding journey I was far from being happy, or even smiling. My intention is not to scare future moms but I wish I could go back in time and let myself know what the reality is. Cause there were many, MANY days that I felt like a failure.It hurts! So, so much! Your nipples will feel like they will fall off. I cried every time my baby latched. Pain went away a minute later then I just felt sore. And because some of you will ask, her latch was excellent per 3 different LCs. If you exclusively breastfeed then it’s going to be you waking up for every feeding. Your SO can and should wake up with you to change the diaper, get you some water, rock the baby to sleep but non of that really matters because all you want to do is sleep for more than 2 hours. But you need to feed baby every 2.5-3h counting from when you start the feeding not from when you finish. Newborn babies can feed for up to 45 minutes. You do the math.If you decide to pump, you need to first figure out how to make a day last 48 hours cause between feeding the baby, pumping, washing and sterilizing your pump and bottles you will probably be at hour 26! I pumped for a while cause my baby wasn’t gaining weight and I kept telling my husband “I feel like it’s 1000 o clock”!! I literally pumped for maybe 3 weeks and when I think about that time I feel like it lasted for 3 months.Honorable mentions: stress about how much baby ate, stress if baby is gaining weight, hunger, thirst, no time to eat, no time to drink, washing your hair every 10 days = success, thirst, leaking, engorgement, clogged ducts, spilled milk, milk on everything, did I mention thirst? I know all that sounds dramatic and scary. But let me tell you! IT IS ALL WORTH IT!!!! When the pain is gone, baby latches like a dream, feeding are 4h-5h apart, you find your position, and stop leaking everywhere, then yes you will look at your baby, smile and be happy! The bond, the way your baby will look at you, the “nipple in the mouth smiles” (my personal favorite) and the feelings you get when you realize how awesome you are! Unmatched!! So keep fighting mama! It freaking sucks but it is beautiful on the other side! On the other side, breastfeeding is as easy as breathing♥️ via /r/pregnant

Things I would like to know before I gave birth: Breastfeeding

When I was pregnant I attended as many classes as I could find. Through my insurance, hospital and private. I attended 2 different breastfeeding classes and went over breastfeeding briefly during 1 (Preparing for Delivery and Postpartum). When talking about breastfeeding all videos show a happy mom, usually smiling from ear to ear, breastfeeding her

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