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I didnt think it was possible. I thought i was done. The newborn phase was so terrible, i found everyone with multiple children CRAZY. How could you want MORE?! This one takes up ALL MY TIME! A few months ago I was barely running on 5 hr of sleep, forgot to shower or brush my teeth most days and had sore af breasts. If you were to tell my then sleep deprived, messy haired self that I’ll have more kids in future..i would have torn off my breast milk stained shirt and ran out into the woods. Babies are a handful. And i was inexperienced. And my husband took his sweet time warming up to the baby and picking up daddy duties. I was EBFing, diaper changing, bathing, burping, rocking the baby 24/7 and honestly didn’t know how to ask for help. It was hard. It even felt like our marriage was failing at one point.But its in the past. My LO turns a year old in a few weeks. And we both love her to death. Yesterday, i felt like i really wanted her to experience childhood with a sibling. I think im ready , somewhat experienced, have more support than i did before and most importantly…am no longer afraid.So to all FTM who are going through a tough time rn and feel like they can’t deal with more children….it will get better. And before you realise it, you’ll be ready. ❤ via /r/NewParents

It finally happened

I didnt think it was possible. I thought i was done. The newborn phase was so terrible, i found everyone with multiple children CRAZY. How could you want MORE?! This one takes up ALL MY TIME! A few months ago I was barely running on 5 hr of sleep, forgot to shower or brush my

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Has anyone had success breastfeeding an older preemie? My daughter was born at 29 weeks, on cpap for 9 & NG/OG tube for 9.5 weeks. She came home 10 weeks ago and I’ve been trying to no avail to get her to breastfeed. I’ve seen countless specialists (IBCLCs, ent, speech pathologist, chiropractor, craniosacral therapist) and it seems like things are getting worse as I’ve had to give her the bottle so she keeps gaining. I cry everyday, I desperately want my girl to nurse and don’t know what else to do or where to turn. Triple feeding with two kids is getting to be more than I can handle. via /r/NICUParents

29 weeker breastfeeding help needed

Has anyone had success breastfeeding an older preemie? My daughter was born at 29 weeks, on cpap for 9 & NG/OG tube for 9.5 weeks. She came home 10 weeks ago and I’ve been trying to no avail to get her to breastfeed. I’ve seen countless specialists (IBCLCs, ent, speech pathologist, chiropractor, craniosacral therapist) and

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My question is essentially as stated in the title. I EBF my 8 week old son and therefore find myself quite often sitting on the sofa feeding him. I try to give him attention if he is looking at me while feeding but if he isn’t, I often just scroll my phone and read or watch a series with the sound going to my airpods. I feel a lot of mom-guilt over not always giving him attention and wonder if he will be distracted by the phone or the tv when he gets older. Please tell me I’m not alone and that this is normal. via /r/NewParents

What do you do while breastfeeding?

My question is essentially as stated in the title. I EBF my 8 week old son and therefore find myself quite often sitting on the sofa feeding him. I try to give him attention if he is looking at me while feeding but if he isn’t, I often just scroll my phone and read or

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My LO is close to outgrowing his infant car seat and I keep seeing parents rave about rotating car seats. I’m eyeing the Graco 4ever DLX but I keep seeing the Revolve 360 and other similar ones, so not I’m second guessing myself 😭 Are they really worth it? Ty!!!! via /r/NewParents

Are rotating car seats really worth it?

My LO is close to outgrowing his infant car seat and I keep seeing parents rave about rotating car seats. I’m eyeing the Graco 4ever DLX but I keep seeing the Revolve 360 and other similar ones, so not I’m second guessing myself 😭 Are they really worth it? Ty!!!! via /r/NewParents

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My daycare likes to text me whenever my baby (almost 10mo) is difficult. Most of the time she’s an easy baby so I hear nothing from daycare, but when it happens my daycare texts me. Yesterday it happened again. My baby is a bit sick (no fever, just coughing, snotty and diarrhea) so she’s been extra difficult. My daycare texted me saying she’s been crying and difficult the whole morning, and told me that other kids aren’t able to sleep because of her. I genuinely don’t know what to respond to the daycare. She’s not that difficult at home, just a bit more clingy than usual but the difference is barely noticeable. I don’t understand why she’s extra difficult at daycare because she really likes her caretaker and the other kids. Also usually she’s really happy at daycare. What do they really want when they just text me and tell me baby is difficult, without asking me to take her back? Do they want me to offer to take her back home? My partner said they are paid to do this job on baby’s good and bad days, we can deal with it then they can too, maybe they need extra training but we aren’t going to be responsible and taking her back home whenever she’s hard to deal with. What’s your thoughts? via /r/NewParents

daycare texted me mid day about baby being difficult

My daycare likes to text me whenever my baby (almost 10mo) is difficult. Most of the time she’s an easy baby so I hear nothing from daycare, but when it happens my daycare texts me. Yesterday it happened again. My baby is a bit sick (no fever, just coughing, snotty and diarrhea) so she’s been

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My little one obviously enjoys the bottle more since it means less hard work for her.Now during feeds where she direct breast feeds, after 10 mins or so she’ll become extremely fussy and restless till she gets a bottle again. And I end up giving it to her because I want her to get in a full meal..I’m wondering how to tackle this. Anyone faced similar issues? via /r/breastfeeding

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FTM here – I have a 4.5 month old and I feel like getting out of the house can be almost impossible. He doesn’t like his car seat much, can only be awake for like 1.5 hours max or else he’s losing it, has FOMO so getting him to go to sleep in the car or out of his environment is an extreme fucking spot, still eats every 2 hours, etc etc. However, my in-laws complain often that they don’t see him enough and that we need to come over more so they can see our son. When we do go over there it ends up just being so stressful because he’s happy for maybe 30-45 mins by the time we get him up, get dressed, get him fed, and arrive there, then it’s nap time again, and it’s just really hard to get him to nap in different environments. He’s also a chronic short napper (like will not sleep past 30-45mins). They live 5 mins away from us, but will not come over to our house despite us telling them how much easier it would be if they came to us. Every time we go to their house and our LO gets fussy we get the dreaded comment of “oh he’s just not around us enough, he’s not used to us, he needs to come over more.” Which makes me ABSOLUTELY FUCKING BALLISTIC. Like I’m not trying to be a little demanding bitch, but I feel like if we have an infant, you should be coming to us, ya? Am I just being dramatic, lol? Should I just be able to tote my 4 month old everywhere no prob? via /r/NewParents

Here I lay, blanketed on my couch, my newborn asleep, another movie on. At what point am I just being outright lazy?I’m a fairly productive person. Loved working out, cooking, decorating, cleaning, etc. I have 0 motivation to do anything- I don’t care to be social, I don’t care to do much of anything but cuddle with my NB on this couch.I tell myself, you’re not getting uninterrupted sleep at night is okay! But I feel like I should be working out, going out…seizing the day during my maternity leave. Am I being a lazy slug and just need to rip the bandage off, or is this behavior common? via /r/NewParents

2.5 months PP laziness. Is it okay?

Here I lay, blanketed on my couch, my newborn asleep, another movie on. At what point am I just being outright lazy?I’m a fairly productive person. Loved working out, cooking, decorating, cleaning, etc. I have 0 motivation to do anything- I don’t care to be social, I don’t care to do much of anything but

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LO is 9 weeks old. Today we’re ending our BF journey on a high note. We struggled the whole time. Never had any issues with latching, infections, soreness, nothing except for my supply. I worked with a LC, did power pumping, regular pumping, had a clean diet, ate oats, slept with my baby on my chest, drank over a gallon of water a day. Absolutely anything that I could to get my supply up, and still never came close to making enough. I did combo feeding a month in, and my supply never dropped nor raised. Just stayed the same. Never produced more than 1 oz from both breasts every 4 hours.I cried so much, and I was scared I would lose my bond with my baby. But he’s gaining weight, he’s happy, sleeps well, and healthy as a horse. I did everything I possibly could, so I can’t really be sad. Maybe it just wasn’t meant to be. And that’s okay. I don’t know why I made this post, but just want to send my heart out to those struggling with their supply. And those that are doing everything and beyond to keep their LO fed. Everyone one of us should be proud of ourselves <3 via /r/breastfeeding

Ending my journey with my head held high

LO is 9 weeks old. Today we’re ending our BF journey on a high note. We struggled the whole time. Never had any issues with latching, infections, soreness, nothing except for my supply. I worked with a LC, did power pumping, regular pumping, had a clean diet, ate oats, slept with my baby on my

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I know that young babies should not be in a car seat for longer than 2 hours but I don’t fully understand why. Of course there is the risk of positional asphyxiation in a car seat but could that not happen in less than two hours? Is this the reason for taking them out every 2 hours or is it more so to let them stretch so they aren’t in an uncomfortable/damaging position for too long?Also, when a baby is taken out of the car seat for breaks on a long drive, is there a rule on how long they should be out for?I’ve heard the rule as no more than two hours a day but also no more than two hours at a time, so which is it?When can an infant safely be in a car seat for longer than two hours? I’ve heard three months but also 6 months.For context, I live about three hours from the nearest major city and would love to take the occasional trip there to bring LO to events/attractions that aren’t offered locally for us. My husband and I also enjoy road tripping and would of course love to bring our LO along someday. I just want to make sure it is safe to do so if/when we attempt it. via /r/NewParents

Can anyone explain the 2 hour car seat rule to me?

I know that young babies should not be in a car seat for longer than 2 hours but I don’t fully understand why. Of course there is the risk of positional asphyxiation in a car seat but could that not happen in less than two hours? Is this the reason for taking them out every

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LO is almost 20 months, walking, chattering with a few real words thrown in, VERY opinionated, generally quite a happy little dude. Tonight I was home from work and the Mrs picked him up from daycare on her way home while I made dinner. Mom and kiddo played with his trains and coloured while we were getting ready to sit down and eat. We ate one of his favourite dinners and it was all quite normal. After dinner we went back in the living room and played together. About an hour after we ate, 30 minutes before his normal bedtime, he grabbed my hand and indicated for me to go with him. He lead me to the kitchen where he pulled open the latched dishwasher and reached in saying “Bob-o”, so I grabbed the requisite parts of a bottle, and before I was done that, he had the fridge open and was lugging a 3/4 full gallon jug of milk to me. I filled the bottle and he snapped it out of my hands before I could give it the usual 30 seconds in the microwave. I said “this is still cold milk” which 99% of the time is a deal breaker for him. He just started drinking and toddled down the hall towards his room. He turned the door handle and pulled, to which I said he had to push, so he did. Once in his room he marched straight to his white noise machine and turned it on (WHAT?!?! Where did you learn this?) then yanked open his jammie drawer and pointed at his two piece dino jammies. So I grabbed them, sat him on his change table and he was 100% compliant with me dressing him for bed (RARE!!!). I put him in his sleep sack, to which he giggled and was also very compliant. We sat in the glider in his room, and then he requested BY NAME a book for me to read, Moo Baa, La La La. We read the book, he finished his cold bottle and he promptly pointed to his bed. I asked “you’re ready for bed?” And he replied with a “mm” and a nod. I asked him for a hug, which he gave, then I gave him a kiss on the cheek and the forehead, put him in the crib, said goodnight one more time and he blew me a kiss. He rolled over and fell immediately asleep. This all blew my mind. It’s not usually a fight, but he’s never done almost any of these things for himself, let alone unprompted. It barely seems like yesterday that all he could do was scream, shit, and put milk away like it was going out of style. via /r/NewParents

Little guy said it was bedtime

LO is almost 20 months, walking, chattering with a few real words thrown in, VERY opinionated, generally quite a happy little dude. Tonight I was home from work and the Mrs picked him up from daycare on her way home while I made dinner. Mom and kiddo played with his trains and coloured while we

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I served in the army, I worked most of my life. I had long 16-17 hours shifts, night shifts where I stand and lift heavy boxes. I had sleeples nights where I studied and worked at the same time but NONE OF IT prepared me for the exhaustion I will feel being pregnant and taking care of my little, adorable toddler. OMG! Third trimester and need to entertain its just impossible for me. I also work from home so all of it together is too much. I thought I’m strong, always said to my friends “sleep is for the weak”, “I’ll sleep when I’ll die”… HA! I did not know hardship until being huge and trying to shower my little one and sing at the same time. Peeing 76 times at night and in between going to help my toddler fall asleep again. Just sitting is difficult. Changing diapers, making food feels like running a marathon. I’m dreading each day I wake up. It’s no like me being like this.Really, to all the pregnant mothers out there – you are superheros! You deserve a medal for each day you wake up and taking care of your little ones! THIS IS HARD and you should know, if you struggle like me, ITS OK! YOU ARE SO STRONG! That’s it. Thanks for reading. via /r/pregnant

Pregnant women with toddler – you deserve a medal!!!

I served in the army, I worked most of my life. I had long 16-17 hours shifts, night shifts where I stand and lift heavy boxes. I had sleeples nights where I studied and worked at the same time but NONE OF IT prepared me for the exhaustion I will feel being pregnant and taking

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Why is the information not out there? Why are hospital IBCLCs not trained to evaluate all oral ties, not just severe ones? Why did my daughter have to suffer for so long? I had to seek out the information myself. My daughter latched beautifully in the hospital, however, I knew she had a shallow latch because I could feel the difference from my son, who was a professional breastfeeder! It didn’t hurt, but it wasn’t strong suction. I have a history of oversupply and with the second pregnancy, it’s a lot. This actually had nothing to do with our latching, and if I was not an experienced breastfeeder, I would’ve been told to decrease my supply and I would have listened. Something happened at our two month mark where she would vomit after every feed. I identified this as reflux, confirmed by the pediatrician. We decided to see how she did for the next two months with positional changes in nursing and pumped milk. It had nothing to do with my OS because it was after bottle or breast. I also knew it had nothing to do with my diet because all of her poops and pees were completely normal. Except after 2 months she started to poop only every 4-5 days. Then shortly after that, she would begin to fuss when eating, and would not be comforted by the breast or the bottle. This was disheartening. Feeding soon became a terrible time of thrashing and crying for her. My relationship with her began to suffer, and I felt that our bond was not a strong. She seemed miserable all the time, especially when on her back.Her weight, which I noticed, dropped from the 78th%(birth) to the 48th% (2 month) to the 20th% (3.9 month.) My pediatrician had identified the tounge tie early on, but said it was mild and said that sometimes treatment can make a latch worse. PSA this is not true! This is only true if you are using blades/scissors to remove a tongue tie! Not lasers! Sadly, he was the only one who had noticed, as two hospital IBCLCs said she’s fine. Even though I had specifically requested them to check for oral ties! Luckily, at our 4 month, my pediatrician listened to me and prescribed us famotidine to combat the reflux. Following week, (exactly 4 months old) after more research, I also took her to the number one place in my state for tongue ties. It was a painless procedure for her! She nursed immediately after. Didn’t even cry! But it was expensive af (ENT with scissors is covered by insurance, but elective with a specialized pediatric dentist to use a CO2 laser. )It’s been one week and it has been night and day! She stopped thrashing when she eats, she’s pooping every day to every other day now and most importantly, she has stopped vomiting, and gaining weight faster! She seems so much happier and I am too. I will also be following up with a pediatric gastroenterologist and the dentist to confirm that we are on the right track.This animation is helpful to understand ties. via /r/breastfeeding via /r/NICUParents

My 5wo was struggling with feedings for several days. It was taking him close to an hour to finish the bottle, and he was falling asleep at every single feed. We were using doctor brown’s bottles with level 1 nipples due to spitup. I finally (reluctantly) decided to try level 2. I give him burp breaks at every ounce just to be safe. So far so good it seems. He now finishes the bottle in about 15-20 minutes. Has anybody else ever done this? Is there another bottle we should try? via /r/NewParents

Has anybody else ever put their newborn on level 2 nipples?

My 5wo was struggling with feedings for several days. It was taking him close to an hour to finish the bottle, and he was falling asleep at every single feed. We were using doctor brown’s bottles with level 1 nipples due to spitup. I finally (reluctantly) decided to try level 2. I give him burp

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Don’t know who needs to hear this, but if you have a baby who just won’t stop crying after trying EVERYTHING, pick up some Mylicon gas relief .3 mL.I’m talking almost instant relief via /r/NewParents

Gassy crying baby? Mylicon

Don’t know who needs to hear this, but if you have a baby who just won’t stop crying after trying EVERYTHING, pick up some Mylicon gas relief .3 mL.I’m talking almost instant relief via /r/NewParents

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We cannot find a good solution for a baby fence on our stairs with metal railings. Y adapters seem most practical but it looks like it is bending the rods. Other solutions seem to depend on parallel rails only, which these are not. Please help! via /r/NewParents

Baby gate for stairs with railings

We cannot find a good solution for a baby fence on our stairs with metal railings. Y adapters seem most practical but it looks like it is bending the rods. Other solutions seem to depend on parallel rails only, which these are not. Please help! via /r/NewParents

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“I beg you, to have patience with everything unresolved in your heart and to try to love the questions themselves as if they were locked rooms or books written in a very foreign language. Don’t search for the answers, which could not be given to you now, because you would not be able to live them. And the point is to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps then, someday far in the future, you will gradually, without even noticing it, live your way into the answer.” via /r/quotes

From “Letters to a Young Poet”, Rainer Maria Rilke 1903

“I beg you, to have patience with everything unresolved in your heart and to try to love the questions themselves as if they were locked rooms or books written in a very foreign language. Don’t search for the answers, which could not be given to you now, because you would not be able to live

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“I beg you, to have patience with everything unresolved in your heart and to try to love the questions themselves as if they were locked rooms or books written in a very foreign language. Don’t search for the answers, which could not be given to you now, because you would not be able to live them. And the point is to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps then, someday far in the future, you will gradually, without even noticing it, live your way into the answer.” via /r/quotes

From “Letters to a Young Poet”, Rainer Maria Rilke 1903

“I beg you, to have patience with everything unresolved in your heart and to try to love the questions themselves as if they were locked rooms or books written in a very foreign language. Don’t search for the answers, which could not be given to you now, because you would not be able to live

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Hatchet was first published in 1986 and was so well received that Gary Paulsen wrote 4 more follow up novels through 2003. I inhaled all 5. They are fantastic stories of surviving the northern wilderness! And, for the casual reader, they are all under 200 pages. Mature level YA fiction that most adults will enjoy. I recommend reading in this order:1. Hatchet 2. The River 3. Brian’s Winter 4. Brian’s Return 5. Brian’s Hunt via /r/books

Praise for the Hatchet series

Hatchet was first published in 1986 and was so well received that Gary Paulsen wrote 4 more follow up novels through 2003. I inhaled all 5. They are fantastic stories of surviving the northern wilderness! And, for the casual reader, they are all under 200 pages. Mature level YA fiction that most adults will enjoy.

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In 2021 my daughter was born at 34 weeks & 3 days. I’m pregnant again coming up on 30 weeks and I’m starting to get major anxiety that this baby will come early as well. I am on progesterone suppositories but idk if those actually help. I’m so worried my son might come earlier than my daughter did. Any advice dealing with this anxiety? Also was anyone else on progesterone and did it help you carry your babies longer? via /r/NICUParents via /r/OldSchoolCool
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