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I have been vegetarian since I was 11 (now 23). I ate pretty well at home but the usual teenager diet of chips, crisps and cakes probably prevented any fibre overdoses! Since moving out I’ve been largely left to my own devices with cooking, which meant lots of vegetables, whole grains, nuts, oats, salads, beans and lentils… basically, a fibre bomb.Then last year I started having days where I just couldn’t eat anything. I felt full all day. Usually it would sort itself out and I carried on as normal. In February this year it got really bad, some days I was eating maybe half to a quarter of what I would normally eat, occasionally I would be fine and have a normal appetite. I was doing a pretty physical job at the time so was feeling tired a lot, and generally felt fed up as I love food and felt an important part of my life was missing. I could not for the life of me figure out what was wrong. I went to the doctor who tested me for all sorts, all came back negative for anything serious, although I had a slight B12 deficiency which was very unlikely to be causing that symptom. The doctor suggested gluten intolerance, so I ate lots of oats and quinoa (fibre bombs, you can see where this is going) which seemed to make little difference.Eventually one day in maybe August (so I had been experiencing this for 6 months maybe and had lost a few kg) I was talking to my mum (having come back home during lockdown) and was having a low appetite day, and she pointed out how much fibre I was often eating… brown toast with peanut butter, banana and seeds for breakfast. Big bowl of fruit and yoghurt followed by dried fruit and nuts for lunch. Brown rice and lentil and veggie curry for dinner. I googled “too much fibre”.One of the symptoms? Loss of appetite. Although it cited constipation, diarrhoea, bloating and pain as more frequently experienced symptoms (which I didn’t really have), I felt like something had clicked. I reduced my fibre intake as much as possible for about a week. Guess what? Hungry all the time! I was so relieved. I spoke to the doctor who referred me to a nutritionist who confirmed my theory.She told me that everyone has a different fibre tolerance, and that this can change over the course of your life. Vegans and vegetarians are especially susceptible to negative effects of too much fibre, but anyone who eats a lot of whole foods or raw foods might be affected. There are things you can do to reduce fibre such as cook vegetables thoroughly, peel fruits and have white grains (difficult at first for a lifelong brown breader!). I’m still adapting and figuring it out, but since learning how to nourish myself with less fibre my appetite had returned.We are told all our lives we should eat MORE fibre, not less. It’s really difficult to find information on it on the internet and the doctors did not mention it even after a few months of me going back with the same problem. Even here I looked it up and most advice tends towards “you just upped your intake too quickly, your body will adapt”. Or they have different symptoms, haven’t seen anyone mention persistent loss of appetite as the stand alone issue. Well, here I am, a veggie who’s been having fibre for years who’s body just got fed up.I wanted to write about it in case anyone else is struggling with this. I wish I had found this post when I was googling everything I could think of, trying gluten free, trying to cut FODMAPs, testing negative for everything and still not getting anywhere. Hope this helps somebody 😊 via /r/vegetarian

I don’t care how challenging it would be logistically, 4 years is way too long to let someone run a province when they literally do bad-shit crazy things right out the gate and there’s nothing we can do about it as the electorate. Call me crazy, but 1 single vote every 4 years just isn’t enough “democracy” when you consider that our vote doesn’t translate to proportional representation, and that a lot of shady shit can happen right in front of our very eyes (like passing environmental protection changes within a budget bill) and all we can do is watch in horror. via /r/ontario

IMO, how some premiers in Canada have utterly failed their constituents during COVID makes me think we need a “midterm public confidence vote” that let’s the public decide if their premier has lost their confidence by the halfway point of their term.

I don’t care how challenging it would be logistically, 4 years is way too long to let someone run a province when they literally do bad-shit crazy things right out the gate and there’s nothing we can do about it as the electorate. Call me crazy, but 1 single vote every 4 years just isn’t

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I have been vegetarian since I was 11 (now 23). I ate pretty well at home but the usual teenager diet of chips, crisps and cakes probably prevented any fibre overdoses! Since moving out I’ve been largely left to my own devices with cooking, which meant lots of vegetables, whole grains, nuts, oats, salads, beans and lentils… basically, a fibre bomb.Then last year I started having days where I just couldn’t eat anything. I felt full all day. Usually it would sort itself out and I carried on as normal. In February this year it got really bad, some days I was eating maybe half to a quarter of what I would normally eat, occasionally I would be fine and have a normal appetite. I was doing a pretty physical job at the time so was feeling tired a lot, and generally felt fed up as I love food and felt an important part of my life was missing. I could not for the life of me figure out what was wrong. I went to the doctor who tested me for all sorts, all came back negative for anything serious, although I had a slight B12 deficiency which was very unlikely to be causing that symptom. The doctor suggested gluten intolerance, so I ate lots of oats and quinoa (fibre bombs, you can see where this is going) which seemed to make little difference.Eventually one day in maybe August (so I had been experiencing this for 6 months maybe and had lost a few kg) I was talking to my mum (having come back home during lockdown) and was having a low appetite day, and she pointed out how much fibre I was often eating… brown toast with peanut butter, banana and seeds for breakfast. Big bowl of fruit and yoghurt followed by dried fruit and nuts for lunch. Brown rice and lentil and veggie curry for dinner. I googled “too much fibre”.One of the symptoms? Loss of appetite. Although it cited constipation, diarrhoea, bloating and pain as more frequently experienced symptoms (which I didn’t really have), I felt like something had clicked. I reduced my fibre intake as much as possible for about a week. Guess what? Hungry all the time! I was so relieved. I spoke to the doctor who referred me to a nutritionist who confirmed my theory.She told me that everyone has a different fibre tolerance, and that this can change over the course of your life. Vegans and vegetarians are especially susceptible to negative effects of too much fibre, but anyone who eats a lot of whole foods or raw foods might be affected. There are things you can do to reduce fibre such as cook vegetables thoroughly, peel fruits and have white grains (difficult at first for a lifelong brown breader!). I’m still adapting and figuring it out, but since learning how to nourish myself with less fibre my appetite had returned.We are told all our lives we should eat MORE fibre, not less. It’s really difficult to find information on it on the internet and the doctors did not mention it even after a few months of me going back with the same problem. Even here I looked it up and most advice tends towards “you just upped your intake too quickly, your body will adapt”. Or they have different symptoms, haven’t seen anyone mention persistent loss of appetite as the stand alone issue. Well, here I am, a veggie who’s been having fibre for years who’s body just got fed up.I wanted to write about it in case anyone else is struggling with this. I wish I had found this post when I was googling everything I could think of, trying gluten free, trying to cut FODMAPs, testing negative for everything and still not getting anywhere. Hope this helps somebody 😊 via /r/vegetarian via /r/oddlysatisfying via /r/serbia via /r/oddlysatisfying via /r/itookapicture via /r/aww via /r/itookapicture via /r/plants via /r/houseplants via /r/aww via /r/toronto via /r/DesignPorn via /r/worldnews via /r/news via /r/toronto via /r/BeAmazed via /r/natureismetal via /r/aww via /r/pics via /r/houseplants via /r/interestingasfuck via /r/programming via /r/houseplants via /r/ontario via /r/funny via /r/woodworking via /r/science via /r/mildlyinteresting via /r/interestingasfuck via /r/OldPhotosInRealLife via /r/funny via /r/toronto via /r/itookapicture via /r/nottheonion via /r/houseplants via /r/toronto via /r/interestingasfuck via /r/FairytaleasFuck via /r/interestingasfuck via /r/RetroFuturism via /r/toronto via /r/todayilearned

I’m studying on a book, so I’ll just write the code here. I’m sorry but I can’t use the code format here on len = str?.Lenght ?? 0;Why would I write this? What’s the point in the null conditional in str.Lenght? Isn’t null coalescing (??) automatically checking if string is null? I’m sorry if the question isn’t clear via /r/learncsharp via /r/plants via /r/aww via /r/interestingasfuck via /r/houseplants via /r/aww via /r/natureismetal via /r/pics via /r/interestingasfuck via /r/houseplants via /r/OldSchoolCool

In light of the recent thread about buying without a buying agent, I thought I’d write up a quick 101 to help people that choose this path. This is just meant as a starting guide and not a comprehensive guide.Step 1: Make a PlanDetermine what you want in a condo. This may include things like size, number of bathrooms and bedrooms, amount of the condo fees, location, locker and parking, and price. The price you are prepared to pay for a condo depends largely what you can qualify for in a mortgage. So, once you’ve determined what you want, speak to a mortgage agent to determine whether you can afford what you want.If you can’t, re-evaluate what are needs vs wants from any potential condo. For example, you may want to trade in a better view for a second bathroom. Once what you want lines up with what you can afford, move onto step two.Also, have a lawyer lined up and waiting in the wings to prepare and submit your offer to the seller.Step 2: Look around for condosWe have reached a point where there are many websites that you can use to search for properties. HouseSigma is the one I would recommend. Using that site, you can narrow the properties using your search criteria. HouseSigma also provides you with sold and de-listed data. Using this data, you know what range your preferred unit is going for, you’ll know whether your preferred unit types are on the market for longer, and you will see whether the seller of the units have been dropping their prices. This data is important in making an informed decision about how much to offer.When you see some units that you like, arrange to go view them. Take a thorough look, visit the locker and parking spots, see amenities (if you can). Take the time you need. Once you find one you like, determine what you think is fair market value for the unit.Step 3: Determining a Fair PriceThe reason that this 101 is about condos is that condos are the easiest to price. In any given condo there will be multiple units with the exact same layout. You can use this as a comparable for what you think the unit you are bidding on is worth. For example, if you want unit 812, see whether there was other X12 units sold in the building recently. These units will typically have the exact same layout. Higher floor units draw more of a premium than lower floor units. When you hear realtors talking about comparables, this is what they mean. What are comparable units to the one you want going for?If you can’t find the same unit in the same building, then start looking around the neighborhood for similar units. Don’t price condos in Park Lawn based on prices around Square One. Location matters!But your bid does not have to be for fair market value. It is a buyer’s market for condos, so consider the following:Is the unit a former rental or is it owner occupied: A vacant rental unit may have a more motivated sellerHow many days has the unit been on the market: The longer a unit is on the market means the harder its been for the seller to sell. In today’s condo market most units have been on the market for a while and it’s not uncommon to see units on the market for more than 30 days;Have there been price drops and/or has the unit been de-listed and re-listed: Again this is a sign that there may be a motivated seller.Finishes: If a unit has better or worse finishes than a similar unit, this will affect price. A recently renovated unit will draw a higher price than the same unit with older finishes.This is not an exhaustive list for what to consider when determining price. Determining what is a fair price is an art and not a science.Step 4: The 2.5% Buyer’s Agent CommissionThe ONLY reason you should not be using an agent to buy your home is to get the benefit of the 2.5% buying agent’s commission.As a background to how commissions work, when a seller lists a property with an agent, the seller agrees to pay a portion of the purchase price to the agent’s brokerage. Typically, that commission is 5%, but it is not uncommon to see it range anywhere from 3-5%. For the purposes of this 101, I will work with the 5% commission. The listing agent then agrees to pay a buying agent half of that for bringing them a client. But what happens where there is no buying agent? Well, the seller’s brokerage gets the full 5%. But why should they get the benefit of that portion of the commission when you, as the buyer, did all the work. You found the property, you made arrangements to see it, you are determining what the fair price is, etc. If you’re doing the work, then you should get the benefit of the commission.There are essentially two ways to get the benefit of the commission: 1) Negotiate it into the purchase price or 2) get cashback on the close of the transaction equivalent to the 2.5%.Negotiating it into the purchase price is pretty self-explanatory. If you think the property is worth $100,000, make an offer of $97,500. This approach requires some extra work on the side of seller’s agent as they will need to change their listing agreement with the seller to reflect that they are only taking 2.5% commission instead of 5%. This approach is beneficial to the buyer as well because the sale price is lower, they will pay a lower commission and less HST. The con to this approach is that it may artificially deflates the price of the condo units.The second approach is to be paid out the commission at the end of the transaction. This is a little more complicated, so it’s important that you have an enforceable agreement with the listing brokerage and its agent. In such a commission agreement, your agreement is with the brokerage and not the seller so make sure you have a separate enforceable agreement for that.Step 5: Making Your OfferThis is a buyer’s market for condos. So, you will typically not have to rush on making offers, but you should already have a lawyer in place to submit your offer. The lawyer will prepare your offer with your determined purchase price. You will need to also determine when you want to close, the amount of the deposit and any other conditions you may want to put on the offer. Typical conditions you will see are review of a status certificate, obtaining financing, and an inspection of the unit. Depending on the particular unit, there are other factors that you will need to review with your lawyer.Step 6: Offer and Counter-OfferThe parties will then go back and forth changing aspects of the agreement (purchase price, closing date, and/or conditions) until both sides are satisfied. Once all parties agree, there is no backing out (with the exception of unsatisfied conditions) without serious legal consequences.I hope that this was informative for some people. Happy hunting! via /r/TorontoRealEstate

Buying a Condo without a Realtor 101 – Owners Own Use

In light of the recent thread about buying without a buying agent, I thought I’d write up a quick 101 to help people that choose this path. This is just meant as a starting guide and not a comprehensive guide.Step 1: Make a PlanDetermine what you want in a condo. This may include things like

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I had an interaction with customer support that I felt was urgent to share with other Audible users particularly now around the New Year and Holidays when people are considering giving audiobooks as gifts or renewing year long memberships. Audible’s Great Listen Guarantee is dead, the new policy is that you receive limited returns at Audible’s discretion. I will post the full transcript of my interactions below for those curious but this is a vital distinction for all Audible subscribers.Audible’s Great Listen Guarantee has been a key component of the service for me allowing me to take a chance on new genres, authors, and books that are short in length or irregular. All the while being sure that I am getting superb value for my money and not going to be stuck with a dud. I have a maximal membership and buy credits regularly (I spent $100 on credits just in December outside my membership) but this may change everything for me and I would imagine many others in this community.I would like to believe this was a simple misstep and that Audible is concerned about those abusing the policy and not the rest of us that rely on it. Unfortunately they refused to provide any information on their policy and appear to have not followed up with their promise to submit a ticket. I have included that email below as well without the promised ticket number.I intend to follow up with support if I hear nothing within the next 24-48 hours and I will post updates for those interested. So far the only thing mentioned has been access to the exchange process which could wreck the future of this multi-year project worth thousands of dollars I have with Audible. It begs the question, if Audible determines you are ‘abusing the spirit of their policy’ what recourse do you have as an honest user? Also what is to stop them from disabling or further limiting your account?Users like me put a lot of faith in Audible despite knowing that we don’t own the digital copies of the audiobooks but have access through Audible memberships. Does this new policy threaten that as well?Until I get answers I will be holding off on spending my credits and purchasing any new ones. If I don’t get a response before my renewal date I will have to cancel my membership as well. I just wanted all of you to be informed so that you can be careful about your own purchases as they may cause you to lose access to returns as a whole. I really hope this is a miscommunication.TLDR Audible has effectively changed its Great Listen return policy to one of limited returns at Audible’s discretion. The could or would not provide any more information but I will post updates as I get them.The Transcript of My Exchange Last NightHere’s a copy of the chat transcript you requested:Initial Question: 1::purchases_returns:::2::exchange_audiobook:::Hello,I would like to return the following books please:On Basilisk Station by David WeberGhosts of Gotham by Craig SchaeferThanks!04:13 PM PST Erwin(Audible): Thank you for contacting Audible. My name is Erwin. I can certainly look into this for you.Sure thing, I will be more than happy to return your books.Let me pull up your account first.04:14 PM PST SlipperySnake: great!04:14 PM PST Erwin: We’ve noticed a significantly high number of title exchanges on your Audible membership that might cause you to lose access to exchanges in the future. Per our policy, Audible reserves the right to limit the number of exchanges and refunds allowed by each member, including, but not limited to, the loss of this benefit where Audible suspects abuse of the spirit of the program.04:15 PM PST Erwin: Let me refund those two titles now.04:15 PM PST SlipperySnake: Hold on, has Audible changed its great listen policy?04:15 PM PST Erwin: Not actually, let me refund those titles now.04:16 PM PST Erwin: There you go, I already refunded those 2 titles and now you have the credit on the account.04:17 PM PST SlipperySnake: Then why are you threatening me with removing my access to returns. I am clearly following the policy, have been a member for years, and not once in that entire time has a single associate mentioned this to me beforeI am talking 50+ contacts. Not once!I consistently purchase extra credits, have the maximum membership, and yet you are bringing this up…..04:18 PM PST Erwin: I am sorry for the confusion, we will notify you once we have an update.04:18 PM PST SlipperySnake: No you will forward me to your manager immediately04:19 PM PST Erwin: I understand that you want to speak to a supervisor, sure one moment please.04:22 PM PST Jenn(Audible): Hi my name is Jenn one of the Supervisor. Let me check the account.04:23 PM PST SlipperySnake: Do I need to forward you our chat log?04:25 PM PST Jenn: No need. Thank you.First, I would like to apologize for the trouble.04:26 PM PST Jenn: Upon reviewing the conversation the last agent already explained the new update that we have about returning books.And also the books were returned.04:27 PM PST SlipperySnake: So this is a blanket statement you are giving out to customers with no regard to their purchasing history?04:28 PM PST Jenn: I understand how you feel right now. But we cannot provide additional information about this right now.Per our policy, Audible reserves the right to limit the number of exchanges and refunds allowed by each member, including, but not limited to, the loss of this benefit where Audible suspects abuse of the spirit of the program.04:29 PM PST SlipperySnake: I have bought three credits three times this month….Aside from my maximal membership.04:30 PM PST SlipperySnake: I have been constructively following the rules and using this chat function because you have disabled the normal returns on my account for years now.04:31 PM PST SlipperySnake: Despite that you seem not to want to honor your policy which is shocking to me after years of excellent customer service.04:32 PM PST SlipperySnake: I maybe have had one or two bad interactions ever. In 8 years.04:33 PM PST Jenn: I do understand. As much as I loved to reset the option for you to return books on your end, I don’t have the option.We’re just following the new updates the we have.04:34 PM PST Jenn: For now what we can do is to return the books you would like to return, however this might cause you to lose access to exchanges in the future.04:34 PM PST SlipperySnake: Excuse me but I need to know now before I purchase any books if you are reneging on your Great Listen Policy.04:35 PM PST Jenn: We cannot provide additional information about this. I am sorry04:35 PM PST SlipperySnake: I will have to severely limit my purchases otherwise. Like I said I already spent over 100 dolalrs on extra books this month04:36 PM PST SlipperySnake: Are you alright with me alerting the r\audiobooks the audiobook subreddit to this policy change? Because for long term listeners like me this seems like a critical policy change04:37 PM PST SlipperySnake: I have enthusiastically promoted Audible because of the Great Listen Policy but if it has changed that would immediately change both my and other purchasing behavior.04:39 PM PST Jenn: I understand. What I can do you for right now is to provide a compensation. For the trouble I can add 1 free credit on your account. But about the update that we have right now for exchange i can’t do anything about that and cannot provide additional information.i will additional 1 credit on your account now.04:40 PM PST Jenn: You have total of 3 credits now.04:40 PM PST SlipperySnake: I don’t want the additional credit mam, I have thousands of dollars worth of books in my account. I appreciate the consideration but what I want is an answer04:40 PM PST Jenn: Again, I cannot provide additional information. i will escalate this on our Specialist team then.04:41 PM PST SlipperySnake: I love this service and have used it like crazy for years now. This is huge for me.04:41 PM PST Jenn: Wait for my email for your reference for the ticket ID number.Again, I apologize.04:42 PM PST SlipperySnake: So are they going to connect to his chat?04:42 PM PST Jenn: No. We don’t have option to transfer you to them directly. the only way to contact them is by creating ticket.04:43 PM PST SlipperySnake: What should I expect?04:43 PM PST Jenn: they will contact you within 24-48 hours.04:44 PM PST SlipperySnake: I guess I will wait to hear from them before I buy anymore books04:45 PM PST Jenn: Alright. I will send the ticket ID number after this conversation. For the mean time anything else I may assist you/04:45 PM PST SlipperySnake: Do the credits you refunded have a 12 month time limit from when you refunded them?04:46 PM PST SlipperySnake: or when I initially purchased and is there a way to see when my credits will expire?04:47 PM PST Jenn: yes that is right.04:47 PM PST SlipperySnake: Which one?04:48 PM PST Jenn: there’s 12 month time limit from when you purchased them.04:48 PM PST SlipperySnake: Ok so that is not impacted by their refund?04:48 PM PST Jenn: That is correct04:51 PM PST SlipperySnake: Alright well, this was just a huge shock after all these years to be told the rules might be changed on me.04:52 PM PST SlipperySnake: Thanks for your help, have a pleasant night. I will be disappointed either way but Audible has been a pretty big part of my life after 500+ audiobooks and months of time listened. It would be a shame if rent seeking policy wins out over the stated rules.04:53 PM PST Jenn: Sure. You have a great day also. Again we apologize for the trouble.Thank you for contacting Audible. Bye now.04:53 PM PST SlipperySnake: GoodbyeThe Followup Email without TicketHello Andrew,Thanks for contacting Audible!Audible reserves the right to limit the number of exchanges and refunds allowed by each member, including, but not limited to, the loss of this benefit where Audible suspects abuse of the spirit of the program.If you continue to exchange a high rate of titles, you may lose access to this benefit, per the terms of our exchange policy.If you’re having difficulty finding the right title, we encourage you to listen to samples and read customer reviews prior to making your selection. For assistance, contact us, we’re here, 24/7.Thank you for your understanding, and for being an Audible member.The Audible TeamSincerely,Jenn via /r/audiobooks

Urgent Info for Audible Users: The Great Listen Guarantee is Dead

I had an interaction with customer support that I felt was urgent to share with other Audible users particularly now around the New Year and Holidays when people are considering giving audiobooks as gifts or renewing year long memberships. Audible’s Great Listen Guarantee is dead, the new policy is that you receive limited returns at

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