mooo via /r/interestingasfuck via /r/houseplants via /r/ontario via /r/houseplants via /r/aww via /r/pics via /r/oddlysatisfying via /r/todayilearned via /r/DIY

I used to practice law but got tired of clients, so I quit and started tutoring online. Mostly for standardized tests: SAT, ACT, GRE, LSAT, and GMAT. A good amount of math as well. I was planning on just tutoring to make ends meet until I figured out what I wanted to do next, but it took off almost immediately and within a month I was making more than I ever did practicing law. The tutoring was mostly online, so I decided to start traveling. That’s what I’ve been doing the last 4 years and I’ve visited 30+ countries in that time – all while tutoring online.I’ve been bored with the tutoring for a while though, and at the end of 2020 decided to take 2021 to figure out what I really want to do. So I quit tutoring and planned out some things to try throughout the year. First up was harvesting cilantro with migrant field workers.I wanted to do this first to get a sense of what “real work” is: work that is back breaking and tedious. I also wanted experience with work that I’m 100% certain is beneficial to society. When I was practicing law and tutoring I always struggled with a sense that it was work that didn’t really matter. I was just helping shuffle money between corporations and helping students with the rat race of admissions – not truly teaching them anything. With harvesting cilantro I’m confident that I’m providing actual sustenance and flavor to society.I started a Substack to document my journey if you’d like to follow along. In the meantime, I’d love to answer any questions you may have. via /r/IAmA via /r/interestingasfuck via /r/webdev via /r/houseplants via /r/csharp via /r/aww via /r/houseplants via /r/DesignPorn via /r/csharp via /r/webdev via /r/interestingasfuck via /r/todayilearned via /r/pics via /r/interestingasfuck via /r/interestingasfuck via /r/news via /r/aww via /r/funny via /r/funny via /r/ontario via /r/serbia

Back in 2004 I decided to go back to university for another science degree (biology). For some reason I forgot to submit my T2202 forms for the tuition and textbook refund.Totally by accident I discovered my mistake a few months ago. I contacted the university to send me the T2202 forms for the period 2004 to 2011 (the degree took a long time because I did it part time while I was working).Then I called CRA to see what to do. The person I spoke to was super helpful, explained what to do, and emailed me all the forms I needed to fill out. He also said to send a cover letter explaining what happened and asking for Taxpayer Relief because they only have to go back 3 years.A few months later they sent me my tax refund for the full amount – over $4000. They didn’t have to, but they went back 16 years to amend my tax returns.No one likes to pay taxes, but I’ve never had a bad experience with the CRA. Thanks.EDIT: Thanks for the karma guys. I gotta say, I never would have thought saying something nice about the CRA would get more upvotes than posting a cute kitty-kat video. (lmao) via /r/PersonalFinanceCanada via /r/todayilearned via /r/Documentaries via /r/pics

We have created a simple site to give you average rental prices in cities across Canada. We do not run ads on our site and have sought permission to post this content.We have made this a self-post to avoid as much self-promotion as possible, tell us what we can do to improve these posts/data.The data we have is an aggregate across multiple listings sites as well as online classifieds.ApartmentsBedroomsAverageMedianSampled1$1,679$1,6505762$2,062$1,990557HousesBedroomsAverageMedianSampled2$2,162$2,2501913$2,510$2,499219RoomsBedroomsAverageMedianSampled1$805$7504740CondosBedroomsAverageMedianSampled1$1,764$1,75011612$2,132$2,1001830Duplex_TriplicesBedroomsAverageMedianSampled2$1,991$2,000673$2,565$2,20023TownhousesBedroomsAverageMedianSampled2$2,576$2,400453$2,964$2,67528BasementsBedroomsAverageMedianSampled1$1,276$1,3003422$1,596$1,600419 via /r/Etobicoke

Etobicoke Ontario January 2021 House/Apartment Rental Prices

We have created a simple site to give you average rental prices in cities across Canada. We do not run ads on our site and have sought permission to post this content.We have made this a self-post to avoid as much self-promotion as possible, tell us what we can do to improve these posts/data.The data

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I’m talking about the fact that I finally invested a good chunk of money in the markets this year via an RRSP. Spent the time before that repaying student debts, buying a place (something tangible), etc. I was conservative with my investments but still raked in great returns, and there’s the dividends on top of all that. Then there’s the fact that I’ll get back a good chunk of that good chunk in my tax returns next year.Call it imposter syndrome, but it feels “weird” that I’m “earning” a sizeable amount of money by doing “nothing”. The poor kid in me laments how easy it is for wealthy people. The poor kid in me also wants to sell everything and spend it.Figured other born-poor folks might relate. via /r/PersonalFinanceCanada via /r/houseplants via /r/UpliftingNews via /r/woodworking via /r/OldPhotosInRealLife via /r/news

Currently all I use is ReSharper. via /r/dotnet via /r/aww

Hi webdev,About a month ago, I published a post about our incident while experimenting with GCP and Firebase. There were lot of great comments, and after the post few folks reached out to me on recommendations for their projects.In the new year I took some time to write best practices I follow before setting up any new project on GCP that helps me to sleep well without having any on-call team.My blog post is here: all the best practices (except images, screenshots and some quotes) to this post.I hope that small teams, and individual developers find it useful.Note:This is not a sponsored post. I don’t recommend one cloud platform over another, or even using a cloud platform if you can do the entire hosting on your own servers. Cloud platforms do provide advantage to small teams or individual developers in moving fast and scaling well.Examples are for GCP but the practices hopefully apply to all providers.This is not an exhaustive list. I’m still learning and growing. Below is what I learnt from several mistakes, figuring out solutions and going through lot of literature online from great kind minds.Let’s get into it!1. Use multiple forms of payments (FOP), preferably with spend capsHave spending limits/caps on the forms of payments (FOPs) you use.Most cloud services have a monthly billing except if a threshold spend is reached. If the threshold is reached, the Cloud platforms charge the given account right away. If for some reason, one of your services fault, the cloud service would directly charge the form of payment (like credit cards) on file, and on non payment, stop the service.Ideally the spending limit could be anywhere between 120-150% of the cost you expect to incur given the usage of your platform.From what I’ve read, it’s relatively easier to get bill waived than to get a refund. While the suggestions in this post will make sure such situations don’t arise, it’s better to have it set up anyways.Use different FOPs for development and production.After we messed up in one of our projects, our credit card was declined, and this had several unexpected ripple effects.First GCP suspended all our billing accounts tied to the same credit card for a suspect of fraud.Second, our bank started suspending all future transaction requests from GCP suspecting fraud, and the loop began.Sorting this took several days, and it halted our development cycle. Thankfully we didn’t have a production service back then.In an ideal setup, I recommend using one FOP for production account, and another one for dev/test accounts. Never mix these two.Note:If you’re a solo developer, I highly recommend setting up an LLC or some umbrella that gives your personal assets protection. Doesn’t matter where you live, in recent years this process has become quite standard everywhere in the world, thanks to the entrepreneurial boom.Some people have suggested setting up a shell company for using cloud services. I personally don’t recommend spending time doing this. If you’re building something meaningful, spend all your time making it better in a legit way.2. Setup Service QuotasIn GCP users can define “Quotas” for most services. AWS has similar feature called “Service Quotas”, and I’m sure other providers have this as well.Depending on type of Quota, some of them can be set for usage per day, per minute or even per user per minute. I don’t really trust the per user quota because who defines “a user”? The others quotas for the most part are fairly reliable.For any account with billing, when I enable a new service, I first check if there’s a quota, and if there’s one, I set it to really low while getting familiar with the service. A lot of the services are charged per use and setting up this quota also helps in validating the costs that will be incurred on use.As an example, if I’m testing GCP Adult Image Classifier service, as soon as I enable the service, I would first set the Quota to 100 per day and then try the Codelab provided.If the cloud provider you use neither has auto billing shutoff nor budgets, it should be a big red flag for you to use the service.Some CaveatsDefault Values are counter intuitive!Most services have a preset default quota of unlimited or some absurd value like 1,000,000. Why? God knows. Maybe GCP engineers never paid attention to it, or they assume each of their users, considerable population of which is students, build apps with million dollar budgets. Setting quotas is also multi click arduous process probably because they are optimized for large organizations. Don’t fret the extra clicks, it’s worth it.Not all services have Quota limitsFor example Firestore Read/Write ops. From engineering standpoint, this is understandable because if the service has to check for quota, how can it be real time? Don’t assume that every service has a quota.Not all quotas work as advertisedTest each of the quotas before fully relying on them. I found several that don’t work and my consults led to bugs with Google. The bugs are not fixed yet, and so if something were to go wrong with those services, they would act as a fall back because it’s an issue on GCP’s side.3. Cloud MonitoringWhile billing is delayed by about a day, most metrics provided by Cloud platforms are delayed by only a few minutes. For GCP this is called Cloud Monitoring, for AWS it’s called CloudWatch and in Microsoft – Azure Monitor.These monitoring services are either free for the project services (standard metrics), or available at very, very cheap prices.Setting up Monitoring wasn’t really in the face when I started using Cloud Services, nor is it generally advertised, but it’s a great feature that everyone should use.What it allows:Creating beautiful custom dashboards with usage graphs for the services you care aboutCreating alerts that fire if usage goes beyond a user defined limit. The alerts can be SMS, email and app notifications.How to use Monitoring serviceSet up AlertsYou can also set up alerts that’ll fire emails, text messages and mobile app notifications, all for free. While they may not be of much use while you’re sleeping, they do provide a lot of support while you’re awake.Case study from our development cycle: During development of our first product Announce, one of the engineers on my team developing locally (live build on localhost) accidentally created an infinite loop that led to infinite Firebase read ops for a few minutes. We had a free limited project for development so nothing could go wrong, but the monitoring alerted me and I reached out to the team to see what was up.The only down side in this was that we had a very limited quota remaining for the day and the team waited until next day to resume development.Look for spikesMost of the graphs may look daunting and it’s probably not worth understanding each and every metric and figure. To simplify your job, just look into anomalies.After few steady days, your job should be to watch out for spikes in usage as compared to the usage in longer period of time. Set the usage to 6 weeks and see if there is a spike. If there is a spike, it should be explained, say too much local testing, surge in usage, expected triggers etc.Looking for spikes only takes 2-3 minutes for the dashboard to load, and your job is done. This should be part of daily working routine if you have any service deployed on cloud.Anticipate and Reduce CostsAs the graphs are only a few minutes late, after doing something you can wait for a few minutes to see what resources you consumed. You can also predict costs of something before it shows up in billing.Another big advantage is aide in reducing costs! For example, looking at Storage, I understood that GCP was continuously storing build artifacts from each build which took a development project storage that shouldn’t be using anymore than 100MB to 25GB. There are ways to fix this, but as a developer, one must know that this problem exists.Another example is memory or CPU consumption from the deployed services. Some graphs can easily tell if you have over/under allocation of resources to the services.Write better CodeThese graphs easily show low hanging fruits to optimize code. Maybe your cloud function is going into background processes, or perhaps its timing out due to some other service being called serially (instead of asynchronously).4. Use Free ProjectsCloud Platforms today provide a lot of free services per project, and there are a lot of projects that a user can create. There’s a reason why the systems are set up in such a way. Primary reason, as far as I can think of, is to give enough room for testing and learning about the service.Firebase and GCP allow more than 10 projects, which can be extended further. If there’s some issue with your account, you can always file for an extension.That’s great… but how to use these free projects?Well, for one, set up multiple environments. Software development cycle is common knowledge so I’ll be brief about it. In any project ideally you should have dev, test, staging (alpha), preview (beta) and production environments. No matter how small the project be, you should still have at least dev and prod environments that are completely decoupled from each other. Read that again: completely decoupled from each other.You can use a free firebase project for development, and a paid one for production. If you have backend services that need cloud sources, you can grant permissions to your free project sources to the paid project service accounts.This topic could be an entire post, as creating an architecture that supports multiple environments (dev, test, prod) for multiple platforms (Web, Android, iOS, API) can be a little complex.Granting permissions of one project to anotherAn important concept to understand is types of accounts and accesses. There are two types of user accesses in services: 1. Access to human, and 2. Access to a service account.Ideally almost all accesses should be only to service accounts and none to humans (except maybe admins).In GCP it’s possible to give permissions to access resources of one project from another project, which is a great feature. I’m very sure every other platform has the same feature and I highly recommend using it.5. Spend good amount of time understanding and predicting costsBefore going through any Codelabs for a service, first spend some time on Pricing of that service/feature. This is tied to designing the architecture of a project which can be a long post of its own.Most cloud services now have a great cost calculator (GCP Calculator here). This is a tool for developers to decide whether and how to use that service. Spend some time on these calculators, and test the costs in extreme cases.Over the course of time, I have started testing services for a day or two in a safe environment (development account). Wait for the billing to process and when I understand it correctly, then move on to integrating it in the product.A better approach would be to predict costs before and then test the service. The cost of service and your prediction should match. Never assume the pricing works as is because there are lot of factors to consider.6. CICD = Operational EfficiencyAny project that has billing enabled, should only be accessed by machines (service accounts) and not humans. This means all code should be deployed through CICD piplines triggered after code merge, which should ideally only happen after code review.This falls in operational efficiency, and it doesn’t matter how small your project be, it’s a good idea to set it up like this because there’s no reason not to.Less human intervention is better, both for security and efficiency. If you’re on Github, Github Actions is one of the most valuable sources available, which is mostly free. Until now, there hasn’t been a month that I paid for Actions and I manage lot of CICD Pipelines.GCP Cloud Build gives 120 minutes per day per billing account free, which to be honest is a lot. Unless you’re deploying ML models, or have lot of projects + large team, I highly doubt that this free tier would be breached.Firebase has a great CLI, but I don’t recommend using it for deploying to production environments. For one, it’s harder to version the code and you might end up deploying buggy code. Second, any change in the deployment has to go through your machine.CICD forces you to be good at code management and versioning, and that’s a good thing.What if I have to deploy just one function?I still recommend setting up CICD because it’s reusable. Once you’ve figured out to set it up for one function, all your future deployments will require zero work.7. Protect the keys (and tokens)!Most starter Codelabs suggest downloading “service-key.json” and setting the environment locally. This is a great suggestion for someone testing a new service on free projects. However, any project that you plan on adding Billing, don’t download a key. It’s just not needed, and there’s lot of risk that goes with it.For example you may accidentally add it to a git commit, forget to delete it while sharing code, or simply leave it somewhere on your system.I do download service keys but only when absolutely required, and only for development accounts that are on Free plan. For example in order to use Firebase emulator.When keys are needed in CICD, encrypt them right away and delete the local copies before committing any code.You can easily use encryption on Cloud without spending any time learning encryption itself. For example KMS and Secret Manager on GCP are as simple as it can get.8. Multi CloudIf you have resources and not bootstrapped with an extremely small team, you probably are using more than just one Cloud. DO, GCP, Azure and AWS, all have some great pluses and minuses. If you have dedicated dev-ops and SREs I highly recommend making use of multi-cloud.However, if you’re a solo indie developer, or a small startup, I recommend using one cloud unless you really need just one feature from another cloud service. This, because each cloud service has its own dictionary, and learning curve.It doesn’t matter which service, which language, which platform you choose, my recommendation is to spend as much time on it to learn and experiment that you’re the most knowledgeable about it. Of course once you’re confident, you can expand to other platforms as well.Each cloud provider has similar set of tools, but using them, understanding their pricing/dictionary, and navigating their console takes lot of time to learn and adapt. My recommendation is to master the one you choose and optimize your usage based on the positives and negatives of that platform.9. Read the best practices from the providerThink of cloud providers as coffee machines. The fundamental principles of making coffee remain the same, but the engineers who design the machines chose to prioritize a certain set of features that lead to certain design trade offs. The machine must be used in a certain way to work the best, and certain things should always be avoided.Cloud Platforms are very similar to fancy expensive coffee machines in this way. They come with a guidebook manual that’s continuously evolving, and often has a set of dos / don’ts included.I highly recommend going through the dos and don’ts for each of the service you use not only for best performance, but also to avoid unnecessary troubles.Good example of this is Google Cloud Run development tips. This article clearly states that developers should avoid background activities. If you as a developer didn’t go to this page on your own, and wrote a program that has some potential background activities but works perfectly on your local machine, you’d never realize why your code performs so badly on Cloud.Point being, always proactively look for best practices for any service you use. SO and Medium have some great resources for most services.10. Billing Budget Alerts / NotificationsEvery single guide, article, post recommends setting up billing alerts, and auto shut-off cloud functions. This my least favorite feature, and the last on my list simply because it’s not proactive but post facto.I do recommend setting Billing/Budget alert because it’s there, but it isn’t a feature I suggest anyone to rely upon.Note: If your cloud service allows for near realtime auto shutoff after hitting a certain cap, then that’s really good, and I recommend using that feature and sticking to that platform. via /r/webdev

How to use Cloud without losing sleep

Hi webdev,About a month ago, I published a post about our incident while experimenting with GCP and Firebase. There were lot of great comments, and after the post few folks reached out to me on recommendations for their projects.In the new year I took some time to write best practices I follow before setting up

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Close to five million Canadians (and counting) have failed to claim one or more uncashed cheques from the Canada Revenue Agency via /r/PersonalFinanceCanada via /r/CrappyDesign via /r/pics via /r/UpliftingNews via /r/todayilearned via /r/woodworking

So I just created and funded my Questrade account this morning with $1,000. I had $1k in there since this morning and when I went to deposit more money from my bank I realized that Questrade had actually taken $2000 from my account for some reason so I have no more money to add right now..The first transaction is named “QUESTRADE A1A1A1” whereas the second one is named “QUESTRADE Inc MSP”. Anyone have any experience with this? Am I going to have to call them? via /r/PersonalFinanceCanada via /r/TorontoRealEstate via /r/programming

Close to five million Canadians (and counting) have failed to claim one or more uncashed cheques from the Canada Revenue Agency via /r/PersonalFinanceCanada

tl;dr: Their customer service is now terrible. We’re talking me having to initiate contact over a dozen times to process a simple transfer, them nearly costing me 5 figures of tax liability, and them transferring 6 figures of stock to the wrong account and then ignoring me forever.I’ve been a Questrade client since 2009. I’ve advocated for them, and am a “Platinum” client (>$250k, entitles you to “priority” support). No more.My ex-wife and I recently signed a separation agreement, and the terms included 1) Me rolling over some of my RRSP to her and 2) Us equally dividing a joint unregistered account between us. Simple, right? Apparently not for Questrade.I first called the Platinum line October 7 and waited 20 minutes (standard wait time, as I’d learn). I was told to sign some transfer forms, email them in, and they’d process things. I suggest I need a T2220 (Spousal RRSP rollover form), I’m told no need. Cool, that sounds easy enough. I sent them in within the hour.2 days later, no response, I followed up. 3 days later, no response, I followed up. 4 days later, no response, I called in again, and was told I had to “upload” the documents rather than emailing them. This pattern of me having to check in on them would prove to be the standard.Then I was told I’d need to upload the separation agreement. I did so.Cue no response, and me following up on Oct 10, Oct 12, Oct 13, all emails disappearing into the Questrade support black hole.Oct 14 I call again and talk to a rep who gives me his personal extension, which I’d come to memorize over the following weeks! He says I need to upload the transfer forms again, so I do.Oct 15 I’m summarily informed by email form letter than all my transfer requests have been cancelled because my ex’s account is “in the wrong status”. I call my guy, who tells me to tell my ex to call Questrade support. Fine.For brevity I’ll spare you some minutiae here of me initiating contact three more times, going back and forth over “corrupted” documents and misunderstandings about what I’m asking for.Finally Oct 22 the transfers complete! Alas, I notice they have processed the RRSP rollover as a WITHDRAWAL AND DEREGISTRATION, which will attribute 6 figures of income to me and permanently lose me that much RRSP room. Shaken, I call my guy again and demand this be fixed immediately.Four days go by with no communication, so of course I follow up again and am told they do in fact need the T2220 form to process the RRSP rollover, like I suggested in my initial contact. Unfortunately they don’t know how to fill out the form properly. I fill it out, send it in, wait 2 days, call in, am told I filled it out wrong and to do this part differently. Then I repeat that process for a third time.Finally they fix it, and I immediately transfer all my assets to another broker. Phew! Unfortunately this story isn’t over.Two months later my ex calls me and asks what’s taking so long for transfer #2 (splitting the joint account). I go through my statements in detail and notice that THEY TRANSFERRED BOTH HALVES OF THE JOINT ACCOUNT TO MY PERSONAL ACCOUNT, despite signed transfer forms to the contrary. Of course simply reversing this isn’t possible since I’ve since moved the assets away from Questrade.I’m now working with my new broker to create an account there for my ex so I can transfer her what she’s owed. There are obviously tax implications here that I am working with a tax lawyer to solve.I emailed Questrade Platinum support about this last fuckup on Dec 18 and Dec 30, warning them that I would detail this story publicly, but they have summarily ignored me both times, probably because I’m no longer a client and so they couldn’t care less.Let me be very clear about that last part. They transferred 6 figures of stock to the wrong account, and then when informed of their error multiple times they ignored me for a month and counting.I guess the moral of the story is you get what you pay for. via /r/PersonalFinanceCanada

Why I left Questrade as a Platinum client, and why you should too.

tl;dr: Their customer service is now terrible. We’re talking me having to initiate contact over a dozen times to process a simple transfer, them nearly costing me 5 figures of tax liability, and them transferring 6 figures of stock to the wrong account and then ignoring me forever.I’ve been a Questrade client since 2009. I’ve

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tl;dr: Their customer service is now terrible. We’re talking me having to initiate contact over a dozen times to process a simple transfer, them nearly costing me 5 figures of tax liability, and them transferring 6 figures of stock to the wrong account and then ignoring me forever.I’ve been a Questrade client since 2009. I’ve advocated for them, and am a “Platinum” client (>$250k, entitles you to “priority” support). No more.My ex-wife and I recently signed a separation agreement, and the terms included 1) Me rolling over some of my RRSP to her and 2) Us equally dividing a joint unregistered account between us. Simple, right? Apparently not for Questrade.I first called the Platinum line October 7 and waited 20 minutes (standard wait time, as I’d learn). I was told to sign some transfer forms, email them in, and they’d process things. I suggest I need a T2220 (Spousal RRSP rollover form), I’m told no need. Cool, that sounds easy enough. I sent them in within the hour.2 days later, no response, I followed up. 3 days later, no response, I followed up. 4 days later, no response, I called in again, and was told I had to “upload” the documents rather than emailing them. This pattern of me having to check in on them would prove to be the standard.Then I was told I’d need to upload the separation agreement. I did so.Cue no response, and me following up on Oct 10, Oct 12, Oct 13, all emails disappearing into the Questrade support black hole.Oct 14 I call again and talk to a rep who gives me his personal extension, which I’d come to memorize over the following weeks! He says I need to upload the transfer forms again, so I do.Oct 15 I’m summarily informed by email form letter than all my transfer requests have been cancelled because my ex’s account is “in the wrong status”. I call my guy, who tells me to tell my ex to call Questrade support. Fine.For brevity I’ll spare you some minutiae here of me initiating contact three more times, going back and forth over “corrupted” documents and misunderstandings about what I’m asking for.Finally Oct 22 the transfers complete! Alas, I notice they have processed the RRSP rollover as a WITHDRAWAL AND DEREGISTRATION, which will attribute 6 figures of income to me and permanently lose me that much RRSP room. Shaken, I call my guy again and demand this be fixed immediately.Four days go by with no communication, so of course I follow up again and am told they do in fact need the T2220 form to process the RRSP rollover, like I suggested in my initial contact. Unfortunately they don’t know how to fill out the form properly. I fill it out, send it in, wait 2 days, call in, am told I filled it out wrong and to do this part differently. Then I repeat that process for a third time.Finally they fix it, and I immediately transfer all my assets to another broker. Phew! Unfortunately this story isn’t over.Two months later my ex calls me and asks what’s taking so long for transfer #2 (splitting the joint account). I go through my statements in detail and notice that THEY TRANSFERRED BOTH HALVES OF THE JOINT ACCOUNT TO MY PERSONAL ACCOUNT, despite signed transfer forms to the contrary. Of course simply reversing this isn’t possible since I’ve since moved the assets away from Questrade.I’m now working with my new broker to create an account there for my ex so I can transfer her what she’s owed. There are obviously tax implications here that I am working with a tax lawyer to solve.I emailed Questrade Platinum support about this last fuckup on Dec 18 and Dec 30, warning them that I would detail this story publicly, but they have summarily ignored me both times, probably because I’m no longer a client and so they couldn’t care less.Let me be very clear about that last part. They transferred 6 figures of stock to the wrong account, and then when informed of their error multiple times they ignored me for a month and counting.I guess the moral of the story is you get what you pay for. via /r/PersonalFinanceCanada

Why I left Questrade as a Platinum client, and why you should too.

tl;dr: Their customer service is now terrible. We’re talking me having to initiate contact over a dozen times to process a simple transfer, them nearly costing me 5 figures of tax liability, and them transferring 6 figures of stock to the wrong account and then ignoring me forever.I’ve been a Questrade client since 2009. I’ve

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tl;dr: Their customer service is now terrible. We’re talking me having to initiate contact over a dozen times to process a simple transfer, them nearly costing me 5 figures of tax liability, and them transferring 6 figures of stock to the wrong account and then ignoring me forever.I’ve been a Questrade client since 2009. I’ve advocated for them, and am a “Platinum” client (>$250k, entitles you to “priority” support). No more.My ex-wife and I recently signed a separation agreement, and the terms included 1) Me rolling over some of my RRSP to her and 2) Us equally dividing a joint unregistered account between us. Simple, right? Apparently not for Questrade.I first called the Platinum line October 7 and waited 20 minutes (standard wait time, as I’d learn). I was told to sign some transfer forms, email them in, and they’d process things. I suggest I need a T2220 (Spousal RRSP rollover form), I’m told no need. Cool, that sounds easy enough. I sent them in within the hour.2 days later, no response, I followed up. 3 days later, no response, I followed up. 4 days later, no response, I called in again, and was told I had to “upload” the documents rather than emailing them. This pattern of me having to check in on them would prove to be the standard.Then I was told I’d need to upload the separation agreement. I did so.Cue no response, and me following up on Oct 10, Oct 12, Oct 13, all emails disappearing into the Questrade support black hole.Oct 14 I call again and talk to a rep who gives me his personal extension, which I’d come to memorize over the following weeks! He says I need to upload the transfer forms again, so I do.Oct 15 I’m summarily informed by email form letter than all my transfer requests have been cancelled because my ex’s account is “in the wrong status”. I call my guy, who tells me to tell my ex to call Questrade support. Fine.For brevity I’ll spare you some minutiae here of me initiating contact three more times, going back and forth over “corrupted” documents and misunderstandings about what I’m asking for.Finally Oct 22 the transfers complete! Alas, I notice they have processed the RRSP rollover as a WITHDRAWAL AND DEREGISTRATION, which will attribute 6 figures of income to me and permanently lose me that much RRSP room. Shaken, I call my guy again and demand this be fixed immediately.Four days go by with no communication, so of course I follow up again and am told they do in fact need the T2220 form to process the RRSP rollover, like I suggested in my initial contact. Unfortunately they don’t know how to fill out the form properly. I fill it out, send it in, wait 2 days, call in, am told I filled it out wrong and to do this part differently. Then I repeat that process for a third time.Finally they fix it, and I immediately transfer all my assets to another broker. Phew! Unfortunately this story isn’t over.Two months later my ex calls me and asks what’s taking so long for transfer #2 (splitting the joint account). I go through my statements in detail and notice that THEY TRANSFERRED BOTH HALVES OF THE JOINT ACCOUNT TO MY PERSONAL ACCOUNT, despite signed transfer forms to the contrary. Of course simply reversing this isn’t possible since I’ve since moved the assets away from Questrade.I’m now working with my new broker to create an account there for my ex so I can transfer her what she’s owed. There are obviously tax implications here that I am working with a tax lawyer to solve.I emailed Questrade Platinum support about this last fuckup on Dec 18 and Dec 30, warning them that I would detail this story publicly, but they have summarily ignored me both times, probably because I’m no longer a client and so they couldn’t care less.Let me be very clear about that last part. They transferred 6 figures of stock to the wrong account, and then when informed of their error multiple times they ignored me for a month and counting.I guess the moral of the story is you get what you pay for. via /r/PersonalFinanceCanada

Why I left Questrade as a Platinum client, and why you should too.

tl;dr: Their customer service is now terrible. We’re talking me having to initiate contact over a dozen times to process a simple transfer, them nearly costing me 5 figures of tax liability, and them transferring 6 figures of stock to the wrong account and then ignoring me forever.I’ve been a Questrade client since 2009. I’ve

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last month I wrote a post about how a deadbeat scammed me using forged documents and stopped paying rent/utility since March 2020, using COVID as an excuse. The post got a lot of attention and made to the top of this subreddit. I want to give you guys an update on the situation.(Original Post is here) want this to be an educational post for landlords/potential landlords. I hope you can learn from my mistakes. Personal Finance is not just about wealth accumulation, it’s also about wealth protection.​Background:you can read the original post for back story.Current situation:After the online tribunal with the landlord tenant board, I received an eviction order (adjudicator give this deadbeat another 20 days to move). I was prepared for him to disobey the eviction order and have the sheriff come to throw him out (on average it takes sheriffs three weeks after eviction order date) … but then… bamm… he was ARRESTED by the police for fraud … Six month after I filed fraud report, police finally decided to move on him . They went to his house couple times first (he didn’t open the door). The police left a note on his door requesting him to go to the police station and explain himself, which he refused to do (maybe he thought this would go away somehow). Police then applied for an arrest warrant and they finally arrested this deadbeat last week!!! I am not sure what the next step would be but lets hope he is charged. On a side note, I want to write something about the law enforcement… when I first got in contact with the fraud investigator, he told me that it’s a very tricky situation, because even the deadbeat is arrested and charged, he technically can not be evicted because only LTB can end a tenancy. The investigator even told me “I will arrest the guy and ask him to leave your property “voluntarily” because the SYSTEM has failed you”… this is the sentiment I get when I spoke the police officers, the Ombudsman’s office, even staffs from LTB… they all recognize how absurd the laws are in place… People are refusing to pay and nothing can be done about it.One positive thing about the arrest is that he became much more compliant and even told me he was ready to find a new place and he would move out soon ~~Then, last week, I received a call from an unknown number asking if I am the owner of 1234 Happy Boulevard (my rental property) … at first I was a little puzzled, then the caller said he received a rental application from XXX and he found some abnormalities in his application, he took the initiative and found my old rental ad and my phone number. I told him the truth~ and he thanked me for it… however, all this deadbeat had to do is to find one landlord who fail to do due dilligence and he gets to live rent free for another year or two, rinse and repeat … Judging by the fact that he moved out today, he already found his next victimConclusion/Lessons:if you are thinking about becoming a landlord in Canada or anywhere in North America, think twice! The laws are heavily favouring the tenants. On average, it takes 6-9 months to evict a non-paying deadbeat (before COVID). Right now, we are looking at between 1-2 years during COVID. I suspect people who filed eviction request later this year will have a non-paying deadbeat for at least another year….. I submitted a L1 (eviction hearing request for non-payment) in April 2020. No one has reviewed my application yet. The eviction blitz you are hearing on the news~ these are deadbeats from before COVID. I know someone who filed in Jan 2020 and still can’t get a hearing scheduledIt’s better to leave your place vacant than renting to someone who isn’t an ideal tenant.It’s better to leave your place vacant than renting to someone who isn’t an ideal tenant.It’s better to leave your place vacant than renting to someone who isn’t an ideal tenant. I wrote this three times because it is so so important. The law does not protect you. You must protect yourselflearn the system, use the resource that are available out there, even if they are not ideal~. Even though I knew the police did not have the authority to evict him, I still insisted that a police case must be raised as I needed it to file an urgent hearing request with the Landlord Tenant Boardthere are no failure, only life lessons. we are all human, we make mistakes. I know it’s easy to feel down and blame yourself for making mistakes, but learn from it and don’t make the same mistake again. You learn more from mistakes than success.Feel free to ask me any question you have about eviction. I think I am pretty knowledgeable on this subject now via /r/PersonalFinanceCanada via /r/OldSchoolCool via /r/mildlyinteresting via /r/natureismetal

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