
My senior parents (Ontario, Canada) say they’ll be homeless in 2 months, but I can’t imagine they’ve done all they can for their situation.

I’ll be honest, I’m a 23 year old who knows nothing about money besides to save it, hence why I’m here.My parents are seniors (68f, 70m). My dad has worked his whole life as a self contractor doing carpentry. He was working up until September where he got chest pains, went to the ER and found out he immediately needed a triple bypass heart surgery. He was in the hospital for two weeks for prep and tests, and then another two weeks or so for recovery. They’ve told him that he cannot go back to work anymore – especially something so labour intensive. It took him over a month to be able to walk for more than a few seconds and he still struggles with breathing, plus he constantly needs to take a ton of heart medication now (for the rest of his life). Plus now he’s at high risk due to covid. My mom has small scale babysitting (under five kids) but that came to an end when covid started.My dad is in a lot of debt. I don’t know the exact number but I’m guessing close to 100k between all his credit cards. My dad has a lot of credit cards with interest rates as high as 20%, and he’s too stubborn to find a better option because he refuses to admit he’s made bad financial decision.I believe my dad got his pension sorted out and gets $700 a month. My mom hasn’t applied for hers because she said she’ll get $400 at most so it’s not worth the effort ($400 is better than $0 Imo). They don’t get any other government support in Canada. They’re also Polish citizens. I don’t know the exact details but my mom is getting some retirement money in Poland but she can only get it when someone visits Poland and brings it back for her – which I’m not sure why. I don’t believe my dad is getting anything in Poland.My sister has been pushing for my dad to file for bankruptcy to help with the debts, which he seems to be in the process of pursuing. They don’t own anything. They rent an apartment and borrow my brothers car when they need it. I paid for uni out of my pocket so they weren’t affected by that either. Their rent is ~$1400, which is really cheap for our area. My dad made about 35k a year before.Is there any other financial assistance they can get? I just can’t understand how two seniors can only be getting $1100 in support when the average rent in my city is $2100 and so many others seem to have found at least some top up through covid relief (especially since my dad can’t work anymore and my mom is his caretaker) or elsewhere.I hope I included all the important info. Please ask if there’s anything I missed.Edit: I just want to thank everyone so so much for their input. I never expected so many of you would take the time to help me our and offer advice to guide me and my parents through tough times. I wrote this up before work on a whim thinking I’d get a few responses if any. I wish I could reply to everyone individually. If anyone has asked a question I will try my best to get to it when it slows down at work. Thank you again!!!!! via /r/personalfinance

Categories: funny, photos