
Little guy said it was bedtime

LO is almost 20 months, walking, chattering with a few real words thrown in, VERY opinionated, generally quite a happy little dude. Tonight I was home from work and the Mrs picked him up from daycare on her way home while I made dinner. Mom and kiddo played with his trains and coloured while we were getting ready to sit down and eat. We ate one of his favourite dinners and it was all quite normal. After dinner we went back in the living room and played together. About an hour after we ate, 30 minutes before his normal bedtime, he grabbed my hand and indicated for me to go with him. He lead me to the kitchen where he pulled open the latched dishwasher and reached in saying “Bob-o”, so I grabbed the requisite parts of a bottle, and before I was done that, he had the fridge open and was lugging a 3/4 full gallon jug of milk to me. I filled the bottle and he snapped it out of my hands before I could give it the usual 30 seconds in the microwave. I said “this is still cold milk” which 99% of the time is a deal breaker for him. He just started drinking and toddled down the hall towards his room. He turned the door handle and pulled, to which I said he had to push, so he did. Once in his room he marched straight to his white noise machine and turned it on (WHAT?!?! Where did you learn this?) then yanked open his jammie drawer and pointed at his two piece dino jammies. So I grabbed them, sat him on his change table and he was 100% compliant with me dressing him for bed (RARE!!!). I put him in his sleep sack, to which he giggled and was also very compliant. We sat in the glider in his room, and then he requested BY NAME a book for me to read, Moo Baa, La La La. We read the book, he finished his cold bottle and he promptly pointed to his bed. I asked “you’re ready for bed?” And he replied with a “mm” and a nod. I asked him for a hug, which he gave, then I gave him a kiss on the cheek and the forehead, put him in the crib, said goodnight one more time and he blew me a kiss. He rolled over and fell immediately asleep. This all blew my mind. It’s not usually a fight, but he’s never done almost any of these things for himself, let alone unprompted. It barely seems like yesterday that all he could do was scream, shit, and put milk away like it was going out of style. via /r/NewParents

Categories: funny, photos