
Introducing a bottle – challenges

Hey everyone!My LO is 9 weeks old and has been EBF since birth. We’ve had our challenges such as a tongue tie, lip tie (identified by an IBCLC), a shallow latch, a VERY strong letdown, a monstrous oversupply and frequent mastitis. I was so determined to EBF that I avoided giving a bottle until now. I have some appointments and events coming up and I was hoping to pump and leave some milk behind for my husband to give a bottle. This kid REFUSED ALL BOTTLES. I tried 5 different kinds, different nipple style, size, you name it. I started reading about all these kids who refused the bottle and I panicked. I wanted to share a VIDEO I ended up finding on this sub that worked on the first try!!!!Just my contribution to the internet for today 🙂 via /r/breastfeeding

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