
I won the 2020 Breakthrough Junior Challenge and received $400,000 of educational prizes, AMA

Hiya! I’m Maryam Tsegaye (kinda new to Reddit). *prize breakdown below*I participated in the Breakthrough Junior Challenge, an international science/math competition for teens to explain a complex science/math topic in a 3 minute video, NOT AT ALL expecting to win. (also the 1st Canadian to receive this prize 🥰)I made my video on Quantum Tunneling, a physical phenomena that was completely new to me until I made the video.I’ve been getting *hundreds* of questions from people and fellow Challengers about how I made my video, choosing a topic, etc. When I found this community, I thought maybe it would be a good idea tospread word about the Breakthrough Junior Challenge! (science communication ftw!)answer a bunch of questions that anyone might have about anything* my username just refers to the fact that I often forget to eat when I’m busy working (something that definitely happened over quarantine and while I was making my video).* I updated my insta bio to prove that it is in fact me posting this hereask away :)EDIT: I’m 17 and in my senior year of high schooledit2: **I got a $250,000 scholarship, a $100,000 science lab for my school and $50,000 cash prize for my teacher** via /r/IAmA

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