How I lost 22lbs/8% body fat while eating Chipotle every day for 3 months!

Before/After12/31/17: 172lbs; over 30% body fatTo3/25/18: 152lbs; 22.2% body fat All of the following info is based off the Lean Gains diet. I ate between an 8-hour window and fasted for the other 16 hours of the day. My first meal would not be until 1 PM and my last meal would end around 9 PM. I worked out 3 days a week doing heavy compound lifts and filled the other days with rest or some light cardio (basketball, a short run, jump rope, etc; more on all this later on) First things first: get a body fat scan. There are plenty of places or ways to do this. The one I highly recommend is called Dexafit. This will run you about $150 ($90 if you can find a Groupon) and will be the most comprehensive body-scan available. It uses X-ray to determine your exact body fat % and breaks it down by body part as well. It will also tell you your bone density and visceral (organ) fat. It was an eye opening experience for me and also served for more accurate macro-breakdown (plus it gave my fat-ass way more motivation). Second: determine if you want to lose weight or gain weight aka whether you want to cut or bulk. You will then use a macro calculator to determine what your macros will be for YOUR diet. I used the following website to calculate my macros based on my height, weight, and current body fat % (was at roughly ~30% when I started this). Here are the two calculators I used: The first one just has you enter your weight and the amount of protein per pound of body weight you want to eat. I used 1.3g/lb since I was cutting. Use this if you don’t know your body fat %. The second calculator is a little more comprehensive and you can choose if you want to eat at a certain deficit on rest days/training days. On that calculator, choose “sedentary†for activity multiplier (unless you are constantly running around all day with your job) and for calorie split select “customâ€. I did -40% on rest days and -10% on training days. This is aggressive, but I was more concerned with losing weight all together as opposed to just fat. I used the results from both of these to choose my macros, which were as follows: Age: 26Weight: 159Body fat: 22.2%Activity level: SedentaryCalorie split: -40% rest days/-10% training days I created my own spreadsheet to track my macros. I put in all the food items I’d eat regularly and add new ones as needed. After a certain point, I ate the same thing every day. My average days were as follows: Training days (Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday): 1,846 calories/30g fat/203g carbs/191g protein 262g Kirkland egg whites (262 cals, 0g carbs, 0g fat, 28.5g protein)445g Goya black beans (475 cals, 1.8g fat, 83.9g carbs, 29.2g protein)255g Chipotle chicken (410 cals, 15.9g fat, 0 g carbs, 72.9g protein)300g Chipotle white rice (563 cals, 10.7g fat, 107g carbs, 10.7g protein)225g Fat-free Fage Greek yogurt (129 cals, 0g fat, 8.9g carbs, 22.8g protein)35g whey protein muscle milk (130 cals, 1.5g fat, 3g carbs, 27g protein) Rest days (Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday): 1,200 calories/36g fat/27g carbs/191g protein 169g Kirkland egg whites (92 cals, 0g fat, 0g carbs, 18.4 g protein)302g Chipotle chicken (485 cals, 18.9g fat, 0g carbs, 86.3g protein)23g almonds (139 cals, 12.3g fat, 4.1g carbs, 4.9g protein)150g Daisy Cottage Cheese (120 cals, 3.3g fat, 5.3g carbs, 17.3g protein)367g Fat-free Fage Greek Yogurt (210 cals, 0g fat, 14.6g carbs, 37.2g protein) I dislike cooking and the time constraints of it, so my meals involve no cooking whatsoever. Plus, I get to eat Chipotle every single day and still comply with my diet. You’re free to do whatever works for you. I spent about ~$100/week on food. HERE IS MY SPREADSHEET AND HOW TO USE IT: Macro spreadsheet I made this a shareable google doc so anyone can access it. First thing: copy the whole thing, paste it into your own google sheet/excel doc. Then, add in your macros for training day and rest days. Put in the calories, fat, carbs, protein for each day. All the foods I ate are listed on there. I used the nutritional information from the label/company website/google to calculate everything by hand. Unlike MyFitnessPal or anything like that, all you do is measure the food you’re eating (IN GRAMS) and put that into the “quantity†section and let the spreadsheet do the rest. IF YOU WANT TO CHANGE A FOOD ITEM:Easiest thing to do is just delete one of my items and replace it with your owna. Example: change “Eggs; large Grade A; Publix†to whatever you wantb. In cell C4 change the serving size of the food you are eating (make sure its in grams). Look on label of food for info or google if need bec. In cell E4 change the “70†in the formula to the calories of the food you are eating (per serving size)d. In cell F4 change the “5†in the formula to the fat content of the food you are eating (per serving size)e. In cell G4 change the “0†in the formula to the carb content of the food you are eating (per serving size)f. In cell H4 change the “6†in the formula to the protein content of the food you are eating (per serving size)g. You are good to go. There are enough entries that you should be able to edit them without having to add new cells, which becomes a bit confusing as far as the excel formula; if you NEED to add a cell:h. make sure you click on “insert rowâ€i. The formula is =sum[(quantity x macro content)/serving size]j. ALWAYS MAKE SURE THE “TOTAL†COLUMN ADDS UP ALL YOUR CELLS IF YOU ADD ONE. ALWAYS BEST TO DOUBLE CHECK. CONSEQUENTLY, THE “TOTALS†(BOTTOM OF EACH MEAL) OF BREAKFAST, LUNCH, SNACK, DINNER SHOULD ALL ADD UP FOR THE “DAILY TOTAL†NUMBERS IN CELLS K3, L3, M3, N3. DM me for clarification! I always keep my sheet in a google doc so I can access it on my phone if I’m away from a computer. I typically figure out what I need to eat for the entire day before my first meal. It’s easier to comply with the diet that way and eliminates any cravings (for the most part). As for working out, I did RPT (reverse pyramid training). The workout was taken from reddit user 31Minutes in an AMA he did about his success with the Lean Gains diet. His workout was as follows: RPT Workout A: Back dayDeadlift 2×3-5Press 2×6-8Weighted Chins 2×4-6Rows 2×6-8Close grip Chins 1×6-10 B: Chest DayBench press 2×6-8Incline DB bench 2×6-8Barbell curls 2×6-8Triceps extension 2×6-8 C: Leg daySquat or leg press 2×6-8Leg curl 2×6-8Leg extensions 2×6-8Calves 1×12-16Cable crunches 1×8-10 Your first set is always the heaviest. Try and stay in the rep range. On the second set, you do 90% of the weight on your first set and do ONE MORE REP THAN ON YOUR FIRST SET. So on deadlift, if you did 300×4 on your first set, your second set is 270×5. Here is the AMA that 31minutes did with further explanation of the sets/rep range. 31Minutes AMA condensed Remember, every streak starts with one day. If I can do this, so can you. Happy gains. via /r/Fitness