Hi, my name is Kaniela Ing. I was first elected to the State House at 23 despite being outspent 10-1. Now I’m running for Congress in HI-01 on one of America’s most progressive platforms, without taking a single dollar from corporations and their lobbyists. AMA! [xpost r/Political_Revolution]

Join the discussion here on r/Political_Revolution!Donate: http://ift.tt/2ucgqh8 My personal background:I’m a millennial father, Native Hawaiian, and third-term state legislator. Growing up, I saw self-serving politicians selling off the rights to our islands, and I knew that change needed to start at home. So at 23, I ran for the State House against a corporate Democrat and a tea-party millionaire incumbent in what was then a Republican district. They outspent me 10-to-1, but I had the people on my side. I won by a whopping 26 percentage points.And I did it through small donations, organizing volunteers, and personally knocking on 15,000 doors. But getting elected is not enough. Progressives need to fight to create lasting change. During my six years in the legislature, we fought to pass marriage equality, raise the minimum wage, expand the world’s largest marine monument, levy stricter gun control, regulate Super Pacs, increase taxes on billionaires and set the nation’s first 100% renewable energy goal, and more. Now, I’m taking this energy and record to Congress.My Congressional campaign is living out the values that mobilized America’s progressive base in 2016–championing Medicare-for-all, tuition-free college, living wages, the right to organize, strike, and bargain, aggressive climate action, a universal job guarantee, gender equity, LGBTQ+ rights, and an end to reckless wars abroad. And, I will do it without a single dollar of corporate PAC or lobbyist money. That’s how you know he’ll never sell out. My values can’t be bought.Over 2500 small dollar donors have joined our campaign, but we’re going to need a lot of help to compete with my corporate opponents. Let’s prove that young progressives who think outside the box can bring the change we need. My outro at a candidate forum a few days ago–http://ift.tt/2prJIDO want us to get to know each other, and I’d like to earn your support. So please, ask me anything!Website: http://ift.tt/2DOj50c http://ift.tt/2zSiMAd via /r/IAmA http://ift.tt/2puxHNJ