
Help! Baby is constipated!

My LO is 2 months old now. She is both formula fed and breast milk. While in the NICU she received Enfamil and we’ve been using the same formula at home. She receives more formula than breast milk since my supply is still low. The last 3 weeks she has recently been experiencing a lot of constipation and gas. I brought it up with her pediatrician and she assured me that it’s normal and that we should still stick with the same formula and not change anything. This past 2 weeks her constipation has been getting worse. She cries and withers in pain and it’s really hard to watch. Also just random side note when she does pass gas it’s pretty smelly like an adult passed gas 🫣. And when she finally is able to relieve herself her poop is extremely watery, green, and very smelly. The pediatrician also said that we can give a little bit of prune juice to help so we been doing 5ml in the morning and evening but she still seems uncomfortable all the time. Recently she has been sleeping more through the night and not waking up for feeds. She was pretty good with waking up every 3 hours but I feel that her constipation is making her feel full when she barely ate. I’m getting worried especially since she was preemie and gaining steady weight is important right now. I was wondering if anyone has had similar experiences with their LO and what has helped and what do you think could be causing this much constipation/ gas? via /r/NICUParents

Categories: funny, photos