Grandparents are no longer fully self-sufficient and need extra support. How should we go about finding services that can help around the house/yard?
My grandparents are in their late 80’s living in central Iowa. The nearest family members are a 3 hour drive away. Lately, when we visit them its clear that they have challenges keeping their house clean and organized, taking care of their yard, doing laundry, and taking the time to cook meals for themselves. They are financially secure enough to where they could afford to pay for some support services 1-2 times per week to help with these above items, but as depression era babies they want to make sure they are getting a good deal. How can we go about finding and contracting for these services? Due to their age, we not only want to find a fair price, but also find a service that doesn’t take advantage of them, steal from them, etc. At least for the time being, any type of assisted living care is out of the question, according to them. They want to stay in their house.Any help on the best approach to finding and contracting these services would be appreciated. via /r/personalfinance