
Don’t always ignore recruiters on LinkedIn

I know this isn’t applicable to everybody, but just wanted to share my very happy story so that maybe some others that are in similar situation as me can benefit from it.A few months ago, I worked as a software engineer (still do) and really liked the company I was working at. I’d periodically have a few recruiters reach out to me over LinkedIn a few times a week, generally for positions/companies I wasn’t interested in. After a year or so of that, I started to pretty much ignore recruiters that would reach out.Recently I started to just explore the idea of throwing out a large salary requirement at recruiters that were trying to fill a role that was even remotely interesting to me. So I started giving them a value that was double my current salary and as it turns out, some were totally open to that figure. I thought these salaries only came from top companies like Facebook/Apple/Amazon/Google etc, but I was wrong, I was given a salary that was higher than what most of those companies offer.I admit this may sound a bit like humble bragging, but I have spoken to a lot of others who would simply just ignore recruiters like I did before.–EDIT–I had initially left out a lot of information such as salary/location/experience as that isn’t the intent of this post. I was primarily just trying to tell others of my experience.There have been a few comments made before about being underpaid at my previous company. That isn’t the case and I was being paid a bit above market competitive rate.This is also in the GTA area, for an international company with offices in Canada, working fully remote. via /r/PersonalFinanceCanada

Categories: funny, photos