[Discussion] Turntable.fm fans: check out JQBX.fm. It’s a social music sharing site with user created rooms for different genres. You just need Spotify Premium to join the party!

Listen and interactively DJ with friends all over the world, real-time. I’ve discovered tons of new music using this Spotify enhancement app JQBX.fm – I’ve also made tons of good friends who are obsessed with music; fellow music nerds! It’s an awesome community!Sign up, Log in and join a room. Step up on deck and share your tunes when it’s your turn.JQBX is very similar to Turntable.fm RIP 3 and the closest thing to actual Spotify social integration. via /r/listentothis https://www.reddit.com/r/listentothis/comments/a4wz3o/discussion_turntablefm_fans_check_out_jqbxfm_its/?utm_source=ifttt
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