
Dear Pregnant Mammas

I’m 32 weeks, my belly is growing out of control, I occasionally pee myself, I have irritable uterus and braxton hicks daily, and my little one is lying transverse breech causing so much pressure and pain. I’ve been wearing my hair in a bun, baggy clothes, no make up and slumming it for almost a week, just all round dont like what I see in the mirror and can’t remember the last time I felt like myself.Last night I went for a walk and decided I was going to do some self care when I got home. I shaved what I could iykyk, moisturized, did my brows, put on some bondi sands fake tan (if you’re an Irish woman like myself, being tan makes you a better person), got some help painting my toes, and straightened my hair. I have to say today I woke up and felt just a little bit more like my old self than I have in a long while. The joy Ive gotten looking down at my pretty painted toes and tanned feet has been bliss. I just wanted to share incase anyone else is feeling really down.Yes, it took effort to take time for myself I have another child and a household I run, but I made it clear I was taking time for myself last night and it has made all the difference Did I struggle to shave and was I out of breath by the time my tan was on? YES.. still worth it though.Pregnancy is so so so hard and I definitely feel like we lose our identity in the process, if you’re feeling down do something for yourself that old you would’ve done, it has done wonders for my mental health today ❤️ via /r/pregnant

Categories: funny, photos