How is ANYONE affording art??

I just recently moved into a new place and was looking for some art to furnish the place. I didn’t realise how expensive/inaccessible art was! It’s either $1k plus for a unique art piece or you get cheap, mass produced prints. Where is everyone buying their unique but still affordable art from!? via /r/interiordecorating

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Are car seats ineffective after two?

One of those viral tweets fluttered across my page about a week ago and I can’t stop thinking about it. It basically claimed car seats are no better than a normal seat belt after 2.They linked to this episode of freakanomics. read the transcript but not the studies as I have a newborn and my

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Is keeping my baby home hindering their immune system?

Hello! I am a first time mom to a healthy and happy 3.5 month old. She is following the recommended vaccine schedule, however this post is more so referring to other illnesses, not specifically VPDs. As the season for sickness is approaching, I am wondering if I’m doing my baby a disservice by keeping them

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