Question about Free Month offers on rentals

Hello PFC. I’m currently in the market looking for an apartment in the Mississauga/Toronto area. What I’m noticing is a lot of these apartments being advertised are offering a free month(s) bonus or even a free year of parking as a perk to move in. With the prices falling in some areas, what are the

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Understanding the Imposter Syndrome

Hello everybody!I’ve just published an article about the imposter syndrome and I thought it could be useful for some of you. I know it’s not directly related to development, but I think it’s really important to speak about it, so here I am.Of course, if the moderators judge that this post shouldn’t be here, I

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Sole Proprietorship tax questions

Hello PFC,I am thinking of beginning a freelance gig and registering as a sole proprietorship. I am just now weighing the pros and cons. Currently I do very little work, but am considering buying a considerable amount of equipment and expanding operations. I have a specific question but feel free to mention anything conisdered noteworthy.​In

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Teaching My Children about PF

I just wanted to share what I consider a parenting success story. My wife and I have been giving $20/week to our 11 and 8 year old every Saturday for some time now. Not tied to chores or grades or anything, nor did we put restrictions on what they could buy. Our goal is to

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