Housing prices are insane MY thoughts of where we are heading.

Just a cross post of a thread I posted in r/realestateinvesting.Just wanted to counter the post from a few days ago.”This is becoming an everyday post with continued discussion so I wanted to address the macro factors playing into this.Assuming Biden’s $1.9t stimulus is passed ~40% of ALL US dollars in circulation will have been

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The Ontario Government is paying 2.5 million dollars to a company behind a “Pump and Dump” Stock

https://ift.tt/2OWNPqZ Ontario Government provided a grant of $2,500,000 to FaceDrive for a new COVID-19 contact tracing technology. Stock for FaceDrive has risen over 2961% in the past 52 weeks. The company has a history of co-opting tech trends (Uber, meal-delivery) however has relatively small a userbase in local markets. The company has no history in

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Who is still living at home and what are your plans?

I’m curious to see some of the answers. I’m 27 and live at home and so do 95 percent of my friends and acquaintances from high school. I only know a handful of people who have moved out, less have actually bought.I don’t make much money compared to lots on here but living at home

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