Fortified bottles/NEED your experiences

27+1/ 85 days in NICU / 1lb 6oz/623g. 28 cal formula/ Maternal breast milk. 7mo / 4mo adjusted!Question at very bottom!!Since the beginning baby has NOT taken bottles well. Spits up/ back arching— acting like she HATES the taste. Just not a good eater in general. She has always taken small volumes (2oz when she

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Mourning the breastfeeding relationship well never have.

With my first baby, we could never get a good latch. She just couldn’t transfer milk and would choke and gag at the breast. I pumped for her for a year.With my son, I was so hopeful we would have the breastfeeding relationship I’d dreamt of. And we did! For six weeks he nursed beautifully.

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Can milk overproduction look like underproduction?

My baby is 12 days old and didn’t gain any weight over the weekend. We have a midwife that comes over every weekday to help us out and weigh the baby. Since baby hasn’t gained weight my midwife thinks I’m not producing enough milk. The thing is my baby makes a large poop every few

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Can’t get baby to settle to feed

I’m at my wit’s end about this. Every feeding time is a struggle. I tried to get baby to the boob once I see the hunger cues, but she never open her mouth wide enough for me, when she does, she’d look away and refuses to be directed, and also, within seconds she’d switch from

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Sore tight traps

FTM and I’ve tried to be concision of my posture while feeding, holy crap it’s bad! Shoulder shrugged to my ear from holding my boob, head forward and looking down at baby causing my traps to roll forward and I just work up at 4 am to feed and could barely get him out of

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Why is LO extremely fussy and difficult at night?

LO is 3.5 MO. Almost every night is a nightmare to put her down since day 1. She almost always gets fussy, wide eyed, refuses to sleep and fights to nurse for about 5 hours before bed… pretty much every single night since birth. On the rare occasion she’ll peacefully nurse and go to sleep.

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Help! Baby is constipated!

My LO is 2 months old now. She is both formula fed and breast milk. While in the NICU she received Enfamil and we’ve been using the same formula at home. She receives more formula than breast milk since my supply is still low. The last 3 weeks she has recently been experiencing a lot

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I cant make apple milk

My two month old has a small infection and I was worried we’d struggle to get him to take his antibiotics. The pharmacy let us choose what flavor we wanted and, on a whim, I chose apple. To my surprise and delight, he loves it! He smiles and coos when we give him his antibiotics!

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Colic SOS

Help. This has got to be colic right? This is my second baby 7 weeks old and BF has actually gone really well this time around. But she cries so damn much especially during witching hour until 11pmish. She’s constantly filling her mouth with milk and spitting it all up all over both of us.

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Asking few more days in NICU

Is it ok to ask the doctor to let baby stay few more days or is it completely up to the doctor when baby gets discharged?Our baby girl was born at 28 weeks and luckily she did very well for the past two months and two days ago they removed her ng tube. Mom had

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Successfully breastfed in public!!

Today we had to go register my son’s birth. It’s the first time we have taken him out in the almost 3 weeks we’ve had him. I was quite anxious about needing to feed him in public. I don’t have a lot of accessible clothes so I went with a v-neck summer dress. I fed

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Losing too much weight from breastfeeding?

Okay, so I understand that this is the opposite of what a lot of breastfeeding moms experience. I’m hoping I’m not speaking into the void here.Have any other moms had an issue where it seems like you’re losing too much weight while breastfeeding?I’ve been exclusively breastfeeding for 7.5mos now and it seems like no matter

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First time parents / NICU parents

Hi there, we are first time parents and NICU parents… What a wild ride has parenthood been for us so far! Our little one showed up at almost 26 weeks and has been in the NICU for close to 3 months now. Our baby’s progress was good until about a month ago, they needed to

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Pump doesnt work on me anymore??

I used to exclusively pump. Now I exclusively nurse. I had to pump for the first time in almost 3 months today and I got absolutely nothing. I raised the suction which made it hurt a bit but still nothing.I used to have a major oversupply with this pump, so it’s not a flange size

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Quick meals you can eat without a Velcro baby??

I haven’t been doing a great job eating during the day because I’m alone with my 6 week old who only wants to be held. I put him down when I can get away with it but that’s usually not very long. So what are some quick and filling snack or lunch ideas? What are

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my 22 week & 3 days baby girl

I was 21 at the moment, first pregnancy. Found out with the second child my cervix was incompetent. Didn’t get a cerclage the first pregnancy.She was born around 1lb & 5oz i think. I was on IV, given 2 steroid shots for her lung development, and was in labor for over a day trying to

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