Update: My Grandfather Died This Morning.

OG post: https://ift.tt/3alhmCi to everyone who sent love, support and stories to me a few days ago when I wrote my original post that both my grandparents had COVID.This morning my grandmother watched her husband of almost 70 years pass over a zoom call, unable to help or hold him while he died.She took care

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For a year many kept arguing Ontario can’t do an Australia-style lockdown because it violates too many civil rights. So instead, we decided just to have the civil rights violation, without the Covid-eliminating lockdown.

History will not look kindly upon us. I am at least thankful I have a year of my own Reddit posts to catalogue my thoughts and desires where on the right side of history. It’s a shame so many people where manipulated into thinking the “freedoms” desired from corporate greed and lobbyists where one of

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It’s time for Doug Ford to resign

This clown is leading us to our deaths. This virus is not to be played around with. He has turned this into a political campaign to bash the liberals. We can not waste another second allowing someone like this to run our province. It’s now or never, Doug Ford must be replaced. via /r/ontario https://ift.tt/2RHe99Y

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