Harvey’s employees are real asf

Just the other day I go to Harvey’s and order a burger and a cup of water. The cashier lady gives me a cup and I assume I can just fill it at the fountain. The fountain however had no water tap so I asked her to fill it up at her sink. She offered

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Do you have “passion” for coding?

I just had to make a rant about this, because I am so utterly tired of employers talking about passion.It’s like it’s a special thing in this industry, that developers are supposed to have all the time.It’s the subtle expectatation that you will work overtime whenever they want, that you are so interested in coding

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Anyone else have a severe and negative audiobook addiction?

Hey all,Just wondering if anyone else has any experience this way. I have been developing an addiction to audiobooks over the last couple of years. I listen pretty much all day every day with an AirPod in one ear. Wheel of time, Any Sanderson, Stephen King, Fantasy Epics. I’m a security system technician and I

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