Thank-you, kind stranger on the Danforth!

Was out for a walk with my newborn son yesterday, and attempted to go into a convenience store at Jones and Danforth. Unfortunately the stroller was a bit too wide for the entrance, so person who was holding the door open for me offered to purchase what I needed. I gave her some cash for

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Some notes and encouragement on meditation from someone who has meditated for nearly 20 years.

So I’ve seen some people expressing frustration with mediation here on /r/leaves — in the words of /u/tommybahami123:”It’s kind of tough in the sense that I get distracted while attempting to clear my mind or everything.”And from /u/jonny070389:”I’ve just given up on the meditation, my mind just goes off on crazy tangents.”So as someone who

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Hi, my name is Kaniela Ing. I was first elected to the State House at 23 despite being outspent 10-1. Now I’m running for Congress in HI-01 on one of America’s most progressive platforms, without taking a single dollar from corporations and their lobbyists. AMA! [xpost r/Political_Revolution]

Join the discussion here on r/Political_Revolution!Donate: My personal background:I’m a millennial father, Native Hawaiian, and third-term state legislator. Growing up, I saw self-serving politicians selling off the rights to our islands, and I knew that change needed to start at home. So at 23, I ran for the State House against a corporate Democrat

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More than 100,000 Canadians have spoken out about Bell coalition’s plan to introduce a mandatory website blocking system!

“What an extraordinary result,More than 100,000 Canadians have spoken out about Bell coalition’s plan to introduce a mandatory website blocking system!101,302 people have spoken up about website blocking This is huge! Just the one day of action on February 28th against Bell’s plan saw the total exceed 50,000 submissions, and since then, thousands more have

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