How much do you pay for your cellphone plan ?

As the title says it , I am wondering how much you pay for your cellphone plan . I know Canada is one of the country that Telcos services are the most expensive . I will soon call to negotiate with my carrier like I do once a year , I want to guage and

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I’m Phil Mosby. Almost 2 years ago I quit my comfy web dev job so I could live out of my van and shoot astro-landscape photos full time. This last July, thanks in large part to Reddit, I was able to hang one of my pieces at the James Webb Space Telescope Mission Ops Center. AMA!

Hi Reddit,​In January of 2017 I took the plunge and quit my comfy, corporate front-end web-dev job to attempt to live out my dream of shooting landscape / astro-landscape photos and making & selling prints full time. I had saved up enough money to get me through the first few months, and I already had

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Bank of Canada holds rates at 1.5%

Lots of articles on this just coming out now: are citing trade / NAFTA fears as the reason they are holding rates steady, although I suspect part of it might be fear of mortgage debt if rates are raised too quickly.As someone who just signed a 3 year variable rate mortgage gambling on them not

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