“When do you think people die? When they are shot through the heart by the bullet of a pistol? No. When they are ravaged by an incurable disease? No. When they drink a soup made from a poisonous mushroom? No. It’s when they are forgotten.” – Dr. Hiriluk (One Piece)

The first quote that totally blindsided me while watching One Piece a few years ago. The translated video source is here and is, in my opinion, much more powerful. via /r/quotes http://www.reddit.com/r/quotes/comments/2nsn6i/when_do_you_think_people_die_when_they_are_shot/

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The Doors of Perception – Aldous Huxley

“We live together, we act on, and react to, one another; but always and in all circumstances we are by ourselves. The martyrs go hand in hand into the arena; they are crucified alone. Embraced, the lovers desperately try to fuse their insulated ecstasies into a single self-transcendence; in vain. By its very nature every

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