Throwing toys on the floor
At what age can a child comprehend that if they throw a toy on the floor (like at a restaurant) that they won’t be able to play with that toy anymore? FTM to a 5 mo. We spend a lot of time with our friends that have an almost 2 yo. When we go to restaurants, the 2 yo continuously throws her toys on the floor and they pick them up and give them to her again. She seems to be able to comprehend a lot of what they say to her even though she can’t respond well. They say, “if you do that one more time, we’re leaving it on the floor.” But then she throws it on the floor, they leave it, she cries, so they pick it up. Rinse and repeat. Obviously I have no idea what it’s like to be a parent of a 2 yo, so I’m genuinely curious what they can comprehend, at what level, and what would be an ideal response in a situation like this. Appreciate it! via /r/ScienceBasedParenting
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