
Cheerios Are a Laxative

Y’all, please share your “oh” moments. My daughter has had loose stool for almost two weeks and we’ve nearly gone crazy looking for a reason. We cut out Juice, we gave more and less veggies, fruit, and meat, attributed it to the bites of food she got off our fast food plates (minimal) etc. We considered allergies and were about to switch to a2 milk. Couldn’t figure out what the issue was.Then I remembered that I started giving her cheerios regularly as a snack two weeks ago. The back of the box states that they have 12% of an adult’s daily fiber in a single serving. Duh. Two days of no cheerios and we have normal stool again. I went to work and was telling a coworker. She immediately said, “Cheerios are a laxative!” Did everyone know this? Is this common knowledge? I feel so dumb. I was going to take her to the pediatrician this week because it lasted so long. via /r/NewParents

Categories: funny, photos