Ending my journey with my head held high

LO is 9 weeks old. Today we’re ending our BF journey on a high note. We struggled the whole time. Never had any issues with latching, infections, soreness, nothing except for my supply. I worked with a LC, did power pumping, regular pumping, had a clean diet, ate oats, slept with my baby on my chest, drank over a gallon of water a day. Absolutely anything that I could to get my supply up, and still never came close to making enough. I did combo feeding a month in, and my supply never dropped nor raised. Just stayed the same. Never produced more than 1 oz from both breasts every 4 hours.I cried so much, and I was scared I would lose my bond with my baby. But he’s gaining weight, he’s happy, sleeps well, and healthy as a horse. I did everything I possibly could, so I can’t really be sad. Maybe it just wasn’t meant to be. And that’s okay. I don’t know why I made this post, but just want to send my heart out to those struggling with their supply. And those that are doing everything and beyond to keep their LO fed. Everyone one of us should be proud of ourselves <3 via /r/breastfeeding https://www.reddit.com/r/breastfeeding/comments/16ec6w6/ending_my_journey_with_my_head_held_high/?utm_source=ifttt