Fellow nicu parents,I need some advice. Our baby girl was born at 29 weeks 5 days and has been in the nicu for over 2 months now… they started bottle feeding a month ago and everything was going well… however my milk supply hasn’t been the greatest… it was enough for her and she was getting donor milk to make up for the remaining. They stopped donor milk at 38 weeks and started formula. My baby hasn’t been gaining a ton of weight and when I talk to the doctor they tell me it’s not great but it’s not bad either. This is probably the most frustrating thing a nicu parent can hear. Anyways, she drinks both breast milk and formula whenever milk isn’t enough. Since we started the formula, she got her 2 month vaccine, which slowed her down a little bit with the bottle feeds… which is expected – however, I am noticing that she usually finished or is close to completing the breast milk bottles than the formula bottles… she starts squirming and pushes the bottle with her tongue or pretends to fall asleep while bottle feeding with formula and as soon as I take the bottle out, she is wide awake…I have brought up the possibility of changing her formula but the providers don’t seem to entertain that idea. They also fortify the breast milk to help with her weight gain… it makes my poor child so gassy and fussy… The main reason they haven’t removed her nasal and feeding tube is because she needs to finish 90% of the bottle consistently… well that is not happening right now… I don’t know what to do.. have any of y’all gone through a similar situation? Any advice is highly appreciated! A tired and frustrated mom. via /r/NICUParents