
Turning on voice control to have hands free app tracking (like huckleberry)

I don’t know if this is common knowledge, but it blew my husband away so I figured I would share in case people aren’t aware: The long and short is that there is an adaptive technology tool called “voice control” on iPhone (I know android has similar) which allows you to control custom taps/movements. I have mine recorded to tap on the right and left button in huckleberry so that I can set up the feeding timer and just let it track accurately. You could absolutely make this as complicated as you wanted by having it open the app, click the feeding button, and then use left/right. Or you can use this for any type of app with basic repetitive functions. I also use it to swipe up and down in tik tok. I turn it off and on before and after feeding so it doesn’t listen all the time. via /r/breastfeeding

Categories: funny, photos