
1 month graduated from NICU. Advice needed on feeding

My 28 weeker graduated after 93 days in the NICU. Now he is 7 weeks adjusted. He’s been placed on 26 cal per oz breast milk fortified with Similac advance. Since then he has had some constipation issues which we tried to resolve with prune juice (didn’t work) and probiotics (did work but now pooping less again). In his latest check up his percentile dropped a bit again down to 27% and he’s now drinking 17 oz by bottle plus 1x nursing in the last few days, whereas he should be getting probably closer to 25 oz. I’m concerned he’s not eating enough. Parents of preemies: how long did you fortify milk? How many oz does your preemie typically eat at 1-2 months adjusted age. Did you see drop offs in weight? Did you continue to do overnight feeds? He doesn’t really wake up for them but we were advised to wake him after 5 hours for a feed. He is hungry but falls asleep pretty quickly in the overnight feed and tends to not eat too much. I know this post is a bit rambly – just looking for input and solidarity that it will all be ok. via /r/NICUParents

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