
Nursing to Sleep is Not a Death Sentence

Yes, every baby is different. But please don’t be afraid to do what feels right to you. I nursed my son to sleep constantly in the first year. I woke up multiple times a night to nurse him and settle him and nurse him to sleep over and over during the first year of life. I actively weaned him between months 12-14 and transitioned to bottles of soymilk. And now at 18 months he does not nurse to sleep and actively squirms out of my arms after story time to get into his crib where he sleeps 10-11 hours uninterrupted. This has been the norm since about 14 months. It is possible. I never thought I’d get to this point when I was in the trenches of exclusively breastfeeding with a baby who woke up every 2-3 hours all night to nurse for the first 11 months of his life. Sleep will come, I promise. Tldr: I nursed to sleep all the time and now my son goes easily to sleep independently at 18 months without sleep training.ETA: he had stopped nursing over night on his own around 11-12 months via /r/breastfeeding

Categories: funny, photos