
First period postpartum

After three hours of pushing, an episiotomy, and three attempts with the vacuum, my pregnancy ended in a c-section. If my delivery was the menu at your local Mister Carwash, I got “The Worx”.I spent 2 weeks postpartum in adult diapers. One week in extra long overnight maxi pads. Two weeks in panty liners. I was just starting to feel confident that I could free my poor vagina and make it whole day while my high-waisted granny panties stay dry. It had been days since I last said “Did I just give birth to Flubber?” after wiping. The clear stringy goobers were finally gone.I was a whole new woman! I mowed my poor, neglected pubic lawn in celebration. I waved goodbye to my loincloth as they floated down the shower drain. “I know I haven’t seen you in a few months, but it’s time for us to start fresh”.Yesterday, as I was driving home from an adventure with my 6 week old cherub of a son, I felt it. My uterus. She had already been through so much. Surely she can’t be rebooting already—I know she’s as tired as I am. I go to the bathroom, and sure enough, there is my estranged Aunt Flo mixed in with pieces of the slowly degrading threads that are holding my labia together.Six weeks and one day postpartum, my period arrived. She came back with a vengeance. Mother Nature is a cruel woman. I can’t even use tampons yet. Welcome back, overnight extra longs! via /r/pregnant

Categories: funny, photos