
Doug Ford tried to bury his Nepotism on Friday. The only way to get Mike out is to keep reminding everyone how fucked up it is.

Doug announced his Cabinet on Friday knowing there would be a shitstorm particularly with his Nephew Mike getting a Cabinet Position. He expects people to eventually get used to it. That the publics anger will fade with time and Mikey can keep his post and his pay rise.This CANNOT happen.This is the most brazen Nepotism I have ever seen in politics and we’re just supposed to roll over and take it? A government that likes to yammer about cutting fat and getting rid of corruption is literally building a familial patronage network in our government.The only way anyone gets punished for this is if we make this an annoying itch for the government.Yes im asking you to call or email your MPP. But im not just asking that. Call or email them today. And then do it again next week. And maybe 2 weeks after that.Your voice as a singular does not matter a lick. Even a big surge doesn’t matter. Making it something they have to deal with and plan against and waste time is whats going to get them to change course.And dont be rude cause thats how you get ignored. Just remind whoevers reading it that this is Nepotism pure and simple, Its a waste of taxpayer money, and it shows competence and experience mean nothing to the OPC. Only blind loyalty.Here’s a list of contacts from the legislature. Considering Mike’s goes to a messagebox with the previous MPP and Doug’s is full I doubt you’ll have much luck with them. It might also help to just google your MPP’s name + MPP to find if they have a social media presence or website you can contact them at. and if anyone knows a way to contact that OPC that isnt just a shitty form on their website please let me know. via /r/ontario

Categories: funny, photos