
I finished reading “The Way of Kings” in a just a week after letting it sit on the shelf for 2 years – consider my socks removed due to this story

So I read 400 pages at first. At that point, the story was extremely slow. I let this book sit and moved onto other things.I picked it up again recently and I tell you: once I actually did read past the halfway point, it became one of the best books I’ve ever read. Especially at the end – the end of this book closes the story perfectly and opens it up to sequels at the same time. It’s amazing.The thing that kept me going through the middle were all the chapters about the bridgemen. Those were the most captivating.Maybe you haven’t read it yet. I saw suggestions for this book after I finished The Name of the Wind and The Wise Man’s Fear by Rothfuss. Compared to those? There is so much better planning, so much better writing in The Way of Kings.I would not have said I liked this book more than Rothfuss’ books if I hadn’t crossed that halfway point. But I did, and I do.Planning on picking up Words of Radiance. These are such long books, but completely rewarding.This doesn’t mean much, but I only noticed 1 minor misspelling in 1258 pages (I read slow to really take the story in, and catch those things sometimes). It was “spearmen” —> in the context it should have been “spearman”. But I’ll let it slide. Edit: there’s an error in my title, I have no room to talk lol via /r/books

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