
I lasted three minutes at Amazon.

I didn’t even make it to my workstation.The hiring process for Amazon was the most confusing and unprofessional thing I’ve ever seen. I had applied for two separate locations just to increase my chances at a job. I went into this already dreading it because I don’t think it gets much worse then Amazon.But I get an appointment for one location. I get there and do the usual stuff. Identification, drug test etc. the guy doing all this notices I have an appointment for the 2nd location. I explain why it’s there and he asks if I wanna cancel. At first I was hesitant because I didn’t know if the appointment I was at was officially good to go. But he convinced me to just have that one canceled. No biggie. I leave and am ghosted for days but I keep getting emails for the other position to do the things I’ve already done.I battle phone menus and customer support for two hours. I find out he had canceled the appointment I was actually at, but also they never issued my background check. The representative was able to find out I was indeed in attendance at my appointment. He also said the other one that was supposed to be canceled was not so that looked bad cuz I don’t go. But there was also a mystery third appointment that I never scheduled. I get that all cleared up and have to redo everything I just did. I make sure they did the background check.45 minutes later I get home and get a call that they forgot to mark me in attendance. And that I have to scramble through the process again to book another appointment for that day so she can mark me as there. If not I have to go back a third time. I was supposed to start on the 15 of Nov. I had it all lined up from exiting my previous job. But because of the shit show on their end, I didn’t start til the 5th of Dec.So the 5th rolls around and I start orientation. I sat in a chair from 9-5 and my adhd was wreaking havoc on me. It wouldn’t have been so bad, but no one at orientation knew what they were doing. One hour was spent trying to make the surround sound work for endless power points. Another hour was spent by HR basically gloating about how proud she is about catching people faking reasons for time off. This woman literally was so proud about how she will literally call funeral homes to make sure the person you said died, is in fact actually dead. She was so arrogant about it. It really disgusted me.Next the safety guy came in and said a few things, only to leave without an explanation. Then they have us log into these iPads. They’re wondering why we can’t. We never received login information to do so. That took another hour. I tried logging in with the info i had for the recruitment website but that didn’t work. They gave up.Then three more HR reps come in and they have absolutely no idea what they’re doing. Like it was comical. They handed out packets and spent another hour setting up their laptops to the speakers. In the packet we’re tests for certain videos we’d watch, but some of us straight up didn’t have some of those tests in the folder. They’d stop class to go make copies multiple times.They also said no phones, but half of the class required you to have your phone. So everything leading up to this point has been a disaster. I go home absolutely drained and i didn’t even do anything. I wake up with the worst existential dread I’ve ever experienced. I cried for an hour straight. Not because amazon specifically, but for the broader state of labor in general.Sometimes id rather die then suffer until I die from an illness inevitably. I power through my break down. Leave for work to drive through a horrible storm. I ended up being a single minute late. I already get one point against me. Then I’m told if I’m not at my station by 7:05 I’ll get another point. I was never told where to report to. So I asked. In the rudest way possible they say they don’t know. I walk a little bit. 7:05 hits. And I just turn around and go home.I did everything I was supposed to do but got shit on before I even officially hit the floor. From the time I applied to when I walked out. I tried so hard to be optimistic, but that was the worst experience I’ve had getting a new job. I can’t help but feel disappointed with myself. I’m not in a good financial situation, and my girlfriend is not going to be happy. But with it being a shit show the entire time I just don’t see how that was gonna work, especially at a company like amazon. via /r/antiwork

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