
Doug Ford should do what California and New Zealand just did and ban exclusionary zoning

Basically the provincial government needs to override city hall and allow 3-unit buildings, up to three storeys, anywhere in Ontario. I don’t care about your neighbourhood’s so-called “character” if it means there is a generation of people that are homeless or slaving away for descent shelter, which should be a human right like medical care.Toronto’s leaders and planners has proven time and time again that they are inept and do not have renter’s interest at heart. It’s a little known fact that older apartment buildings pay 3x the property tax rate than a brand new condo. That’s injustice to renters who are paying that higher tax rate indirectly. This is something entirely within Toronto’s purview to fix, but they just don’t give a damn.I’m no fan of Doug Ford, but he has done more on the housing front than any recent Premier or Mayor of Toronto. The yellowbelt needs to go. via /r/canadahousing

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