
Learn C# with others, projects (private and open source), pair programming, monthly challenges

Hello!I have a discord group with around 800 members (ofc not all are active). This is a discord server filled with people learning C# and also C# devs. Everyone is welcome no matter what skill lvl. Everything on the server is free. Most of us are doing Web Dev.We have:- Private projects and Open source projects such as a Jokes api, recipe console app, xamarin forms calculator and a discord bot-Code reviews and Pair programming (One guy codes the other watches and then they switch)-Monthly Challenges with deadlines-Tons of learning content-A place where everyone is welcome no matter what and feedback+constructive criticism is appreciated​This is a place for serious people that are interested in either learning C# or helping others learn. I am sharing this because everyone deserves to be a part of a community like this and getting in touch with other developers is essential. Learning to code is for everyone, the same goes for learning to write good code. If you have any project idea or an ongoing project share it, either if you want a review or someone to work on it with you. Communication is important so it is very beneficial to have a mic (it is ok if your english is not on point)​Link: Please dont be shy! We are all friends here. via /r/dotnet

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